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Richard's gaze took in the immense beauty and calm of the countryside before him.

He has always been a big fan of the great outdoors since his teenage years. He would go on trips to various mountains around the country with his friends whenever his studies, then eventally his workload and schedule would permit it. He lived for the excitement and thrill of feeling the adrenaline rush every time they conquered new heights. This mountain used to be his special place. His sanctuary.

But that was before that fateful day five months ago...

Now, his existence serves a new purpose.

Richard can still remember that time five months back when a senior guardian first appeared before him in this very mountain after the incident that led him to where he is now. That time, he was so filled with confusion and fear.

Jerald patiently explained to him the situation and offered him this 'job' while he contemplated on the decision that may inevitably change the course of his future.

He was just a neophyte 'guardian' but he felt as if he was intended for this. A part of him has already started entertaining the notion of staying in this line of 'work' permanently but there are still some things that are holding him back. He knew that once he made the decision there is no going back anymore.

For the duration of the time that he was part of the 'guardians', he was able to go to places he never thought he'll ever see and meet people from all walks of life.

That has always been his life's dream: To make a difference in the lives of many people.

Never had he experienced an accomplishment like this in his lifetime. He is now torn between going back to his old life and becoming a full-pledged guardian.

Today, Richard is here in this mountain again for his newest mission.

He sensed some movement coming from the trees behind him. He turned in that direction and waited.

She is finally here.

Richard saw the petite, young woman in her early twenties emerging from the slightly hidden foot path into the ledge where he is standing. She is carrying a camera around her neck which she is currently using to take some shots of the scenery before them.

Richard's attention was caught by the radiant smile alighting the woman's face as she excitedly checked the images she was able to capture. He has never seen a smile like hers before. It was so pure. It's as if the pictures she shot provided her genuine happiness. He stood there as if hypnotized by her smile.

The woman continued to take pictures as she explores different angles from various vantage points on and around the ledge. Then Richard noticed her eye the small outcropping of rocks on the left side of the small ledge.

He slowly approached her from behind and observed her actions and facial expressions. He can tell from the way she was staring at the rocks that she is contemplating on whether to climb up the rocks or not.

Before Richard can move closer to try to desuade her, the woman reached up and started climbing the rocks above her to check the view from that point.

Richard made a move to follow her up when he unexpectedly heard the woman gasp aloud. He saw the rocks that she was standing on become loose and she was losing her footing. He quickly scanned the area to find someone or something that could help her in this situation but found none. They are alone on that ledge.

Richard knew he has to take action now but he got reminded of Jerald's words when he first accepted this role as a guardian:

"Richard, hindi dapat malaman ng taong binabantayan mo na nandun ka. You should not directly interfere. Hindi nila dapat malaman na tayo ang tumutulong sa kanila." Jerald had once told him.

But he has to do something. The young woman is in mortal danger and there is no one around to help him save her. He has never gone against the rules from the beginning but now he has no choice. He needs to save her now.

Richard leaped out towards the woman as she freefall towards the ravine. His arms caught her flailing body and hugged her towards his chest to secure her. He slowly glided down towards the grassy area of the ledge.

When his feet touched the ground, Richard suddenly becomes physically aware of the woman in his arms. His face registered surprise as he stared at her. It has been a while since he last felt this kind of sensation, more like a lifetime ago.

Her eyes are tightly shut as if she is still bracing herself for an inevitable fall. A few seconds later, the woman's eyes fluttered open but appeared too overwhelmed by the light and closed them again. She then shook her head a bit as if to clear her vision before she slowly opened them again and looked at his face.

Richard can't fully understand the expression on the woman's face when she saw his face for the first time. It was a mixture of confusion, surprise and suddenly...fear. She mumbled something that he was not able to catch before she asked him:

"Sinusundo mo na ba ako?!" then she passed out.

Richard stared incredulously at the unconscious woman in his arms. His brows creased, slightly taken aback at her question.

"Nahulaan nya ba kung sino ako?" He thought frantically as he knelt and carefully laid the woman down on the grassy portion of the ledge away from the ravine.

Richard moved slightly away from her, closed his eyes, opened his right hand with palm facing downwards and skimmed it a few inches above her body slowly starting from her head down to her feet assessing her for any internal injuries.

When he was somehow satisfied with his assessment, he put his hand down and rested them both on his lap still with his eyes closed and tipped his head up. His lips moved as if silently talking to someone.

It was a few moments before he opened his eyes again and turned his full attention back to the still unconscious woman before him.

He looked thoughtfully at her face taking in every detail:

Well defined eyebrows...long, dark and curly lashes...chiseled nose...high cheekbones...full pinkish lips...supple olive skin...

Richard was completely fascinated. He continued to look curiously at her, noting how his heart somehow beats faster than usual. He knew that he is not supposed to let her see him but the circumstances left him with no choice.

He was only supposed to watch over her and their group while on this mountain. He did not anticipate that he would need to have any physical interaction with her. That was supposed to be against the rules.

He continued to stare at her for a few more moments, only too aware of his body's reaction to her presence. He was internally fighting the urge to touch her again but it seemed stronger than his will. His left hand lifted slowly from his lap as if it has a life of its own and moved gingerly towards her face.

His fingers were just centimeters away from her right cheek when he abruptly heard voices coming from the foot path hidden among the trees.

Richard drew his hand away and then slowly stood up. He reluctantly dragged his eyes away from the woman to glance at the direction of the trees.

The voices are getting louder, an indication that those who are coming are already near their location.

Richard gave the unconscious woman one last lingering look before he turned around, walked away and disappeared among the shadows of the trees.

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