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November 3, 7:45 pm
Grand Saffron Hotel

Smoke was the first thing Edgeworth smelled when he entered the Grand Saffron Hotel for the first time. He thought the building was on fire when he crossed through the front doors into the foreign threshold. Having taken an immediate disliking to the place, he scrunched up his nose the moment he wandered in. Despite the fact the culture he was raised in had a fascination with coffee, cake, and smoking at around 3:00-4:00 in the afternoon, he was never fond of having the horrid smell of cigarette wafting his way. It was like the event of drinking beer and beer festivals in general: a complete unsophistication that society should have turned their noses away from. Giving oneself to anything that had tobacco was simply asking to enslave oneself to nicotine addiction. It was stupid and reckless.

He coughed and resisted the urge to swat at his face. He was in a different culture, but he had been raised to think that the action was rude. Dinner parties and afternoon lunches had been a common appearance in his life. For a good 9 years he had accompanied his adoptive father and ex-mentor Manfred von Karma to many occasions. He hadn't learned much from those occasions though. For 7 of those 9 years he was almost a trophy to be shown off. An object to be seen and not heard. In many cases the dogs were more important than him. Not that it was just him though, it was a culture wide thing. He was lucky that von Karma even considered him and his adoptive sister Franziska.

As he noted the absence of a security camera at the front door, Edgeworth began to feel anxious. The place he had stepped into wasn't his normal run of the mill hotel. It was similar like a backroad version of the Bates Motel on some abandoned stretch of state road. Dust covered the entire thing, except for the tables in the lobby which had cheap, plastic ashtrays on them which appeared to have not been emptied in a while, from the reek of the mounds of ash within them. The chairs made this apparent as they were covered in the conspicuous grey layer of dust bunnies which would prevent any sane person from sitting on them. It was gross, but Edgeworth didn't care. He had been emotionally battered by a stranger, and on top of the jet lag was finally nipping at his senses strong enough to make him not want to eat. He had to be up early if he wanted to get out of town, so there was no point in wasting his time in finding another hotel.

Legs crossed with racy black stockings, a sharp redhead sat at the reception desk. Her skirt was short and tight and her top was suggestive. She twirled her hair in obvious seduction, which he found without a doubt the most distasteful thing he had seen out of a woman, and this with was with four years of prosecuting behind him. He had seen criminals and cold blooded murderers that were sexier than that. That's why Edgeworth began to wonder if the "Grand Saffron Hotel" wasn't rather a house of prostitution. Then Edgeworth thought of Sabrina, and wondered if all the girls in the place were like that. He was accustomed to it, with the fact that he had been raised in Germany for 9 years, but even then it was only during spring with festival and dirndl season. She lit a cigarette as he approached her at the desk. The puff of smoke she delivered to his face was more than enough to wake him up from his imaginations of his past for the moment.

"I want to book a room for the night," Edgeworth said. He gritted his teeth, rather irritable.

The redhead looked up from playing with her nails "Just one night? With Sabrina's preliminary hearing come up when she gets an attorney? Sure you want to miss history in the making, darling?"

She leaned in within a hair's breadth of Edgeworth's face, clutching the cigarette between her fingers. The smoke wafted up between their lips. She started to tug on his triple-cravat and he backed away.

"Your loss anyways, pink suit," the redhead said "Most people are honored to have the attention of the ever so hot, Angel Swan. I can't help this amazing, spicy hair."

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz