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Thank you to all of the readers who have read and/or followed this book all the way to the end. I really appreciate it because it took me so long to plan out, and it was what essentially got me through the first stages of my move to America. It's been a long journey, but we're finally at the end. I know there's probably a lot of questions, so if you guys have any list them here and I will answer them. However, this section is for special thanks to people.

The first of course on my list are VanillaWind and AllHailRempire who made the wonderful cover that I'm using for my book. Also to Spatzi for being the inspiration for the character of Julia in the book.

Schatzi Sheare is second because without her this wouldn't exist. Obviously she's not the only one to thank but she was one of the co-founders of the AceAttorneyWatties (whose awards was what I wrote for) and so I have to thank her for that. Also, she was the one who got me into ace attorney so you all have to thank her for that.

Third is LogicalCabbage who was amazing via PM, comment, and of course the best Spanish translator for the single line I asked her for. She kept me going and really fueled me to keep trying to dig deeper with every chapter. Her comments lifted my spirits and were inspirational. She was one of the reasons I kept writing.

The other and most import person in this entire ordeal is Risa-White who has been here the entire time. She is an amazing editor who I owe my life and plot to. She's been here supporting me the entire time and encouraged me to enter my book also into the Pokemon watties. I really appreciate her because she's my person <3.

Additional thanks to my grandfather for having gotten me into writing like I am now.

I love all of you guys.



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Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz