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December 3rd, 9:00 am
Saffron City Detention Center

"You promised to explain to me, so what are we doing here?" Detective Looker asked, staring at Sabrina.

The moment Edgeworth opened his mouth, Sabrina looked at him. "We have some things to take care of."

"So be it," Looker sighed.

Edgeworth opened the knob to Sabrina's room. She raised an eyebrow as Detective Looker followed from behind and pulled out a chair. It screeched as he sat down. Sabrina disregarded the detective.

"Hello," she said.

He nodded. "Hi."

The detective cleared his throat.

"So you had a run-in with him last night?" She said, almost immediately.

Edgeworth nodded. "I don't know what to believe anymore. Can I trust you Sabrina?"

She stood immediately, scaring Looker. "We already discussed this Miles. Whoever you trust is up to you. I cannot dictate your allies to you."

"Then where do I stand in this power struggle at the very least? Am I just some pawn to be messed with? Or am I actually someone who matters?" He scoffed.

Detective Looker cleared his throat. "What power struggle?"

Both Sabrina and Edgeworth said simultaneously, "Be quiet."

"At this point I don't know anymore," she responded. "You certainly hold the fate of the region in your hands, but that doesn't mean I'm powerless."

He nodded. "Thank you for your honesty, for once."

"I'm honest with you too much," Sabrina said, eyes flaring green for a moment.

He snorted. "I at least have faith that you are not working for him. That should be enough to buy your honesty."

"Then you're an idiot for staking your life on the outcome of the trial. You don't even know she the file is," she stated, enraging him.

He wasn't an idiot though. Everything told him that something important hinged on the trial. Maybe it was the truth, maybe it was his own mental health, maybe it was neither. Whatever drove him led to one place. The trial meant redemption and if he had to pay with his life for his failure, then he would do that. He would've committed suicide if he hadn't come to take the case. Sabrina had been right. Every harsh word had a meaning that he knew to be true.

"Don't be foolish Sabrina. What else is there besides the path of redemption? The truth will set us free. I know you have regrets in your life too," he retorted.

Sabrina forced him upwards with her psychic powers, enraged crimson turning to evergreen. He felt fear as she dragged him within a breath's width of her face

"You know better than to bring him up," she whispered, breath fanning his face. "You know so little about what happened that night. Connect the dots."

"Tell me where the file is," he whispered back, his breath ghosting her ear.

She laughed quietly. "Remember what I told you. It's all a trick, an illusion of fools."

Then, she released him, sending him straight back into his chair. Did that mean the file didn't exist? No, it couldn't be. Not after he worked so hard. Somewhere it was hidden away. He just had to figure out what kind of trick it was. His mind began to race. There were so many tricks that psychics could do. She could see the future, have telekinesis, read minds, and set up wall illusions. That was it! A wall illusion! In fact, Kaitlin had said almost the same thing last time they were in the gym. But then again, could Sabrina have hid it in a locker without someone noticing? No, that was impossible.

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz