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Proton stepped into the police office. He adjusted his hair, which was meticulous, and his fake glasses as he surveyed the area. His camera hung across his body and the obvious white strips of a mini spiral-bound notebook peaked out from his waist. His disguise was perfect.

He smiled. Chaos racked the station. This was his creation. His genius had caused this. The screaming of the name of his organization and his traitorous subordinate was being shouted around. He heard people talking about his exotic beauty, his animal and her danger. They knew to fear her. Soon, they would know to fear him. And that fact, made him happy. In that moment he was the happiest he had been in a long time. All he had to do was go through with the mission.

He approached the front desk, pretending to be a cross-eyed, deer-in-the-headlights type of fledgling reporter, asking, "Excuse me miss! I'm looking to do some reporting here!"

"We don't take solicitors and press statements will only come when the police chief orders a press conference. Our detectives aren't available for interview," she said, angry and slightly dazed by the constant ringing of her phone.

He shook his head, pretending to be cordial even though the thought of being under someone's thumb sickened him. "Oh no m'am! I'm not here for a big story like Lt. Surge and his death! Nope! I just want to interview a fellow intern like m'self. I'm sorry to have worried such a pretty lady like you!"

"How cute!" She clapped her hands together before her face went shocked. "Wait a moment! Lt. Surge has died!"

Proton resisted the urge to smirk as he nodded. "An old pal of mine rang me up this morning! Turns out he fished him right out of the harbor with those missing electrical cables..."

"First Koga and now this! I have to inform the chief! Who is it that you want to interview?" She said, starting to get up.

He said, "Intern Detective Ehrlich. I quite hope she's an honest person."

"She is. She's the nicest detective in the office. It'll be hard to miss her, she's the only one with white hair," the woman said, finally rushing away.

Proton finally had his opportunity to smirk, while resisting the urge to laugh. That woman was a true idiot, just like Koga and Surge. Both of them deserved what came to them. They were traitors to what had been good to them. If anything, he should have made their deaths slow and excruciating, like muting the whimpering screams of Morty with a single bloody towel. Such actions were fun, torturous. He wished Ariana hadn't been fucking Surge. She could have helped him, being the master of physical torture techniques.

People would learn to fear their insolent comments about his organization. They would realize that the only way to skip the chaos and confusion was to rise into a better era in which would be fueled by his Sabrina and him controlling Team Rocket. However, those lawyers were in the way. And so, he would remove them in the way he knew how to remove any greater foe.

Walking down the corridor it was easy to identify Julia Ehrlich. She was the only sitting at her desk, working, while the rest of the police were running around as they had lost all sense of purpose. This was what he feared. She too had a brain. He would have to make a better spectacle of eliminating her. Make a point. He would have to make it known to the police that they had lost one of their best and brightest.

"Mrs. Ehrlich," he cleared his throat at her desk. "Excuse me, may I have a moment of your time?"

She looked up from the papers she was reading. "Can I help you?"

"Yes," he nodded, "I'm an intern writer at the Kantonese Times. I'd like to make a story about the breakthrough of an intern being assigned to a major case with the Saffron PD. It would be an honor to have some of your time for an interview. Us interns are truly underappreciated, and I'm sure this will help you be sponsored in the future."

"What's the catch?" She asked, eyes narrowed.

He shook his head. "All I need is a moment of your time, and for us to leave the precinct. It's too loud in here to conduct an interview."

"I agree," she said, standing up with a file under his arm. "I can't even read my case files. Let's go. Have anywhere in mind?"

"There's a nice milk bar a few streets away," he said, pretending to smile an almost flirtatious one. "Would that suit your fancy, m'am?"

"I believe that sounds quite refreshing, Mr...?" she joked as they headed out the door.

"White," Proton said, flinching at the specific alias he had pulled out of thin air. "Anton White."

She smiled, blue eyes gleaming. "Well Mr. White, thank you for the opportunity."

"My pleasure, Mrs. Ehrlich. So what got you started in police business?" He asked, genuinely curious this time.

She looked at the ground. "Sorry. It's a little painful for me. My father was a police officer and I have always looked up to him. He was killed by those Team Rocket swine a number of years back..."

Proton resisted the urge to snarl. His soon to be job would be that much more victorious. Things would be so much better once he dispelled beliefs like that.

"Mrs. Ehrlich, how do you feel about working on the investigation of a former Team Rocket member?" He asked, beginning to cut down an alleyway with her.

She followed, answering until she stopped, "It's a little nerve wracking because it's a lot more pressurized, but I hope she rots in jail for what she's doing—wait! You said former? What did you mean by—?"

He cut her off. There had been enough of her babbling. In the matters of his Sabrina he did not have time to waste.

"Shhhh..." He said, voice coaxing over the situation.

She fidgeted, trying to cry out in protest. He grabbed her thighs, making her stop cold. Swan usually had the same reaction too.

Trailing his hand up her leg he whispered. "Stay calm. I would hate for such a beautiful woman to have to suffer any more than she needs to be punished for. I'm going to have quite the amount of fun with you over the next few days..."

She bit his hand and began to scream. He slapped her, with a fist strong enough to send her to the ground. It was then he pointed to fingers at her neck and silenced any way of her yelling.

"Why are you doing this!" She tried to scream, but her voice only came out to a whisper.

He decided that since she was naughty he wouldn't answer her question. "You shouldn't have done that Mrs. Ehrlich."

It was then that he forced himself upon her lips before he took his camera and ground it into her head.

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz