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November 17th, 1:48 pm
Saffron City

Edgeworth shivered. Despite the fact it stopped snowing and he had finally retrieved his jacket from Kaitlin and Julia's using their spare key, he felt the slicing sting of the November cold. Somewhere on the street he walked, was the offices for the Kantonese Times. He didn't know exactly where. The skyscrapers were all the same, passing by without much other than the cold glint of identical lobbies from the paper towns of the region. He missed the homely feel of Bavaria with old buildings and unique signs that marked what everything was. The last day had felt as if it had been a limbo of blurs and passing hardships. His memories had come strong, along with his sufferings.

However, the bliss of passive hurt was to rush by all too quickly. On the same sidewalk, was the ginger in black, accompanied by Wright. Both looked ragged, like survivors of an invisible war. Swan's hair was a knotted mess and her makeup had been washed by the outline snowfall that came with the end passage of a storm. Her footsteps were slow, deliberate, as if she were forcing onwards. Wright was worse. He looked drunken, as he staggered from side to side. The canvas of his face told a different story, pale in places from the cold and blackened from an obvious lack of sleep. His scarlet tie hung loose around his neck, obvious that it had been thrown on with haste. Swan looked sharp in comparison.

There was a moment of hesitation as Swan saw him, and he looked away, tempted to take the other direction. Edgeworth couldn't help it though. He walked up to them with much debate in his mind. He had seen Wright deteriorating all week, and could only think of the heat of the vision of future, in which ruined his past. He would just have to put up with Swan. Talking to Wright was a must.

"Mr. Edgeworth," she said, bitter. "How does it to feel that you caused all of this strife? You should have taken a hint and dropped the case."

"I'm going to leave today. I just have to settle a matter with Marina Vales and then I'm on the first plane out of here. I finally have come to a decision of what I will do," he responded.

Wright made a snorting type of sound. Swan kicked them, dirting his suit with her boot. He let out a strained breath.

Looking at Edgeworth he asked, "Miles?"

Hearing his voice made Edgeworth flinch. He couldn't show weakness. Wright couldn't know something was wrong. He would tell him about the vision.

"Don't say things you don't mean Mr. Edgeworth, your father should have taught you better, but oh wait, he died," Swan snarled before looking at Wright and deciding to elbow him in the shoulder.

Wright gave Swan a glare. "I want to sleep."

"You can't. You need to sleep at night. This is for your own good," she warned.

He shook his head, completely forgetting Edgeworth. "What do you know Swan? It's not like he threatens your life night by night. All he uses you for is God damned prostitution. Don't even go there. Things are salvageable for you. Not so much for me. I'm as good as dead at this point."

"You don't understand a thing! It's been less than two week for you! It's been years for me," Swan grit her teeth.

Glancing at Edgeworth in front of her who she had forgotten, she cleared her throat. "Things are tense between the two of you, it seems."

"Go away Edgeworth. Leave before it's too late," Wright decided to pitch in, face with anger.

The action struck deep. Wright began to walk away, this time being the struggling leader of Swan who was alarmed to be moving on. Edgeworth heard gunshots ringing through his head, memories attacking the corners of his mind. Shivering, he grimaced as the snow began to fall again. He continued on. His path was a struggle as once again the slicing wind picked up.

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz