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November 21st, 8:30 am
Julia and Kaitlin's apartment

White light filled the space in which Edgeworth began to rise. Sharp glitters from the reflection of the creamed ground outside blinded him as he woke. He wondered if Kaitlin was still icy. She hadn't said much after he'd told her that Sabrina had not given an answer. He pulled on his coat and got ready. There was not much in the way of time. If he could not get an answer from her then he would have to get one from Wright, somehow. The challenge seemed daunting.

When he left he took a monochromatic scarf of Julia's as he left the apartment. Outside, as his footsteps crunched through the dismal slushing of snow, he hugged his jacket close. Once again it was cold. The torture, was that as the scarf brushed up against his nostrils he smelled Julia. Lavender perfume was the usual scent. He heaved on, trying to ignore the scent. As much as he didn't like the cold, he would just have to suffer for ideas. Soon enough the dopamine would begin to flow in his brain.

His feet took him by Sabrina's gym and Swan's hotel. The city seemed to sleep at that hour, as if commerce had taken a snow day. Dark interiors of buildings juxtaposed the exhilarating cotton ground. Soon enough, Edgeworth found his way to the hospital, as if it were a secondary reaction. That was always where his feet had taken him when it was just Julia and him living in the apartment together. The black swish of a coat caught his eye.

He looked up from his meaningless trifle of solitude, to find a ginger haired woman doing the same as he was. She focused at the ground, as if in shame. Her black, tie-up boots crunched as soft as the steps of a hare in a whispering field. The strains of her breathing echoed in the frigid winds of ice. Something white, fluttering in front of her coat stood out in his peripheral vision. He wouldn't look. He couldn't. However, whatever the issue, he felt sorry for the ginger in black.

When she spoke he immediately knew exactly who it was. "Wright is in room 304. He'll be out tomorrow. Be quiet, he's sleeping."

He looked back at Angel Swan as she walked on, but she didn't turn around. She kept going. Her hair blew behind her as she traversed onwards in pain, bandages swaying in the breeze. Edgeworth took a cue and went his separate way. The hospital felt cold. Not frigid enough that he would take off his coat, though. He didn't plan to stay long enough for that.

Heat welded internally as he climbed the expanse of stairs to the third floor. A lavender sweat prevailed and odorized the stairwell. He, however, could not take off his jacket. Conceding was never a good thing. He didn't have time to stay and look after Wright. There were just too many things to keep up with. Wright was hardly ever seriously injured, anyways.

However, he quickly discovered that while Wright's injuries were far from fatal, they were in fact painful. His body, which he saw through a hospital window, was covered in bruises and scratches. His eyes were closed and there was a massive bandage on his left leg. Edgeworth was horrified. He had never seen the man in such a critical condition.

A nurse walked up to Edgeworth. "May I help you sir?"

"I found out friend was here so I came by and checked on him. What happened? I didn't know he was hospitalized," Edgeworth said.

The nurse pointed her finger at him. "I don't believe you. Prove it to me."

He began to unbutton his coat. If there was anything anyone recognized him by, it was his attire. Upon the full length of it swinging open, his infamous wine-red suit was underneath. The nurse held a perfectly manicured hand to her face.

"Y-you're...you're...that disgusting, fiendish lawyer from the paper! Out! I will not have people like you sullying this hospital!" She began to rush him towards the elevators.

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz