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December 4th, 9:00 am
Saffron City Detention Facility

Edgeworth didn't know what to say. He'd read the entire file that night, and he had to say—Morty was thorough...

...with everyone except for Executive Proton.

Edgeworth knew everything about Ariana, Surge, Koga, and every other executive in the chain. Except for Sabrina since he didn't know about her until days before his murder and Proton, the two people who mattered the most. He sighed, annoyed that he'd shown up early. He really shouldn't have. That would leave him time to let his thoughts wander, and wandering thoughts were wasting time he could not afford to give up. Lucky for him, Looker was only two minutes late.

"Morning," the detective greeted.

Edgeworth nodded, judging how he wanted to proceed. "Let's go inside."

"You sure you want people to hear our conversations about the file?" Looker asked.

"Let's face it. He already knows," Edgeworth said. "There's no point in wasting time before Sabrina's trial."

"So then what are we doing here?" He replied.

Edgeworth let out a great sigh and muttered, "We are here to speak with Ariana. I promised her that I would come back when the time was right."

"Oh?" Looker joked, "Are you her lover now?"

He smiled. "No, but I suspect someone else is."

"Fine. I'll come with you in case you want to cut a deal with her," the Interpol detective said, "she's in an interim time between lawyers again so now is our chance."

They went in, seeing the same two officers at the desk. Edgeworth wondered if they were under the shade of his oppression. He would never know. Under the burn-scarred, crimson red hand that held them all, there was no knowing. Playing against the house never resulted in a win. This was his house, and soon Edgeworth knew he would be faced with one of the greater moral choices that could ever drive him. Would he show at court, or not? For now, he would pursue a criminal like he knew how to do. Something familiar would bring order to the situation. But something inside him told him that he himself was far past helping. There were too many variables in the equation.

Heading towards Ariana's room with the file tucked under his arm, he waited for Looker to inform the guards of their visit. He was surprised that the detective had not asked about the file. Perhaps yesterday had been indication enough that he didn't want to talk. The detective would have to ask questions soon. Not before court though. Edgeworth knew that the trial would end on the day it started. It had to be. If Proton showed, then it would only be once. He would only have one shot, and so that was why he needed to make it count.

Looker came back, brown trench coat swishing as he hurried down the hall. "Are you ready?"

Edgeworth only nodded. They entered the room and Ariana gave Edgeworth a surprised look. Her frown began to become sketched into her face. His window of opportunity was narrowing.

"So you've come interrogate me then, detective?" Ariana snarled, baring her teeth

Looker gazed at him. "I'm not sure what we're doing here."

"Hmmph! So then what could you possibly want, Mr. Edgeworth?" she said.

He smirked. "Your written confession."

"To, what, may I ask you?" she responded.

"Conspiracy, murder, assault and theft," Edgeworth stated, nonchalant. "There's more, if you'd like me to go on."

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz