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Proton sat on the bench and watched as the pink suit left the police station. He had seen it all. The fight with Kaitlin Monroe had been spectacular, just as he had hoped it would be. He knew of course she hadn't watched the tape. Otherwise she would have payed a visit to his lawyer once again. He was grateful she hadn't had the insight to watch it though, as he already knew how much of a help her testimony in court would be. He saw it coming from miles away. She would be a reserve, a last resort should his point not be able to be proven in any other way. Hence what brought him to the police station.

He stood up, watching as the pink suit scurried away like the little rat he was. He had a mission to accomplish. Making sure he looked presentable, he wandered into the police station. Surprised by the emptiness, Proton checked out the reception desk. Seeing a note addressed to Detective Looker, he grabbed it and read through. The pink suit's handwriting was almost immediately recognizable. A midnight rendezvous? It seemed that he would have to crash their party.

Laughing as he went along, he passed the conference center which was acting as a briefing room. Inside the police were having a discussion. He watched a security clip from the detention center, his eyes widening as he watched it. Ariana was speaking to the pink suit. It was incredible. He wanted to hear what they were saying, but he knew he couldn't. The tapes were muted once they left the detention center. He would never be able to hear the conversation and unfortunately he could not read lips.

When he finally got to his destination, he was happy. Being in the police station, although normal, was still intimidating. Especially now of all times. He found the chief of police's door. Without even knocking he entered. The chief's secretary sat at her desk, typing away. He closed the door and smirked. Now was the moment. He had things to do.

He started the conversation. "Hello Penny."

"Hello sir," she regarded. "What can I do for you?"

"How much longer will that meeting about Ariana be going on?" He asked.

The secretary frowned. "Not for a while. Would you like me to pass on a message to him?"

"Tell him three days and the trial of Sabrina will resumed, or else," Proton said.

The secretary shivered. "Is there anything else I can do for you sir?"

"Yes," he said, "tell him that I hope he enjoyed last Saturday, because I certainly would think he did based on the photos."

"A–anything e-else sir?" She said.

He smiled. "Take care of yourself Penny. Go out and find a guy other than your boss, okay? You can do better than a whoring scumbag like him. And have a nice day while you're at it. You deserve it with all the hard work you do."

Leaving, Proton walked down the hall. He looked left and right, examining the empty cubicles until he heard a sob. Around a corner sat Detective Looker who was crying over his failures in Kanto no doubt. His next target. Proton could practically feel his hand pulling the trigger and putting a bullet in his heart. Or better yet,the detective was important enough that he could stick a knife through his heart and paint him gold.

He resisted the urge to begin laughing. Just the thought of killing of that nuisance was satisfying. Plus, it would be another step on destroying the pink suit. That bastard had gotten too much in the way. He was a worthy adversary to drive insane. What a plan he had composed, and it was working. Sabrina had taught Proton to read the body language of others well.

He felt relieved as soon as he head back to the butchery he owned. Flipping the sign on the door and preparing his apron, he went to work. The sharp snap of his meat cleaver against the chopping block made him smile. The crushing of animal bones sounded similar to the breaking of the ribcage and spinal cord when he pierced knives through his greater enemies. The scent of animal blood was welcoming. His mind began to go into frenzy, as if this were a pre-hunting ritual. His tongue licked the bottom of his canines. An excitement rushed through him. The maniacal laughter began until the bell to his shop rang.

His mission would begin with the depth of night.

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz