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Proton laughed as he watched the ending of the tape one last time. Betrayals really did come from the most unexpected places. He should have known his Sabrina was prone to such a horrible thing. Yet, he would do her the same service she once did for Team Rocket. He would teach her what loyalty meant.

To him, it had been like the stab to the neck he dealt Morty. He had been planning the murder for weeks, practicing on the meat in the local butchery he owned as a daytime disguise job. It's where he kept his gear and he learned enough about anatomy to properly cut things up.

He would close the shop in the next morning though, as celebration for his success. Interpol would no longer be interested in the poor psychic, but rather the corrupt gym leader who had betrayed Kanto for as long as she was with them as a leader. It was such a beautiful, poisonous thing. Naturally he had taken inspiration from his Sabrina.

Swinging his feet down from beside the desk, he stood up and dusted off his uniform. He had seen enough. Now that the pink suit was out of the way, it was time to continue with his plan. Picking up his cell phone, he dialed a number.

"Hello?" A voice on the machine answered.

He breathed into the phone, taking his time to listen. "You should know my voice well. Listen, in order to pay up for your mistake, I need you to do me something. Get a boat and wait out at Vermillion City harbor for a few days until I call you."

"A-absolutely, sir, is there anything else I can do for you?" He asked.

Proton said, "Yes. Make sure nobody goes fishing until I say so."

Dialing another number he sighed.

"Hello sir, this is Swan speaking," she said.

He smiled. "You did well in court today. Your allegiance and faith in Team Rocket will be rewarded."

"Thank you sir, is there anything else I may help you with?" She asked.

He said, "If you see Wright, tell him to keep his appearances together. If they question him, I will make good on my threat."

"Understood, I will remind him when I see him again," Swan said.

"Good," Proton nodded. "Now we wait, and watch the authorities squabble on the issue. I will call you again when there is something to do."

He hung up the phone and tucked it back into the pocket of his handmade uniform. Putting on his cap, he woke up the two guards up front telling them it was their turn to cover their shift. It was then he walked out into the city, prepared to take action.

The sides were set, now it was his turn to do his own justice.

He was going to play a version of his own game.

The fool's illusion was over.

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz