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November 9th, 10:01 am
District Courtroom No. 4

"All rise!" said the judge, "we will continue with the trial of Mrs. Sabrina Isis today. Prosecutor Wright?"

Wright slouched on his desk and let out a snore. The judge continued to call Wright's name. Edgeworth began to doze off too. He had not slept easy the previous night. In fact, he had gone straight to the courtroom because he was almost late. The judge called both of their names, which snapped Edgeworth to attention. He crumpled up a ball paper and threw it at Wright who woke up promptly after that. The judge nodded in thanks at Edgeworth.

"Mr. Wright, what does the prosecution wish to do?" asked judge once more.

Wright stood up. "Your honor, we will continue with the witness Mr. Marshall. He will shed some further details on what he witnessed."

Richard Marshall came in and swore the oath of honesty. He seemed annoyed. Wright seemed tense. Edgeworth knew he himself felt the tensest of them all.

"Mr. Marshall, you said yesterday that you witnessed the defendant stabbing the victim, can you please elaborate more on that for us?" Wright asked.

Marshall nodded. "She was backed up against a post and they were yelling at each other. Suddenly, she took an uppercut like stab at him. He fell to the ground and then I called the police."

"You're positive that it was the woman sitting in the defendant's chair who stabbed Mr. Goodman?" Wright asked.

He nodded, absolutely positive. Edgeworth's heart almost stopped. Until he realized something.

"Objection! You honor, this contradicts the evidence! The autopsy report states that the stab wounds were made from standing on top of the victim!" Edgeworth tried, figuring that maybe he would somehow start his bluffing.

Wright laughed in a sardonic manner, openly mocking Edgeworth in the courthouse. "Have you no common sense, Edgeworth? In order for the victim to have even been on the ground, some sort of blow would have put him there. This was that blow. It also explains the blood drops on the floor, because the victim would have staggered back. Then of course, came the planned part of the killing."

"Tell me, Wright, why do you insist upon it being premeditated?" Edgeworth asked, even though he knew the answer. He needed time to think.

Wright said, knowing exactly what he was doing, "A dirty trick, Edgeworth, but I'll comply. The spray paint and the manner in which the killing was executed, simple enough."

"Then I have a question for our dearest witness," Edgeworth said, turning to Richard Marshall. "Mr. Marshall, did you see spray paint or a serrated knife at the crime scene?"

"What's a serrated knife?" Richard asked.

Wright rolled his eyes. "A knife with teeth on the bottom. Kind of like a predator's."

"Ah, of course I knew that," Marshall said. "I was just testing your knowledge, Mr. Wrong."

"It's Wright, actually," the lawyer said, annoyed.

Edgeworth cleared his throat. "Witness, please answer the question." 

"No," he said, "I didn't see either of those materials."

"Pray tell, why, Mr. Marshall?" Edgeworth asked.

When Marshall glanced at Wright for the smallest second, Edgeworth felt glad that he was on to something. "I had to leave the room to go call the police, as my desk phone was down for the day."

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz