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Swan sat at the front desk of her hotel. She craved nicotine, but that was not an option for her. Nothing was there for her as a calming method. He had seemed positively livid when she had told him that Edgeworth had escorted Wright to the hotel. It was his instructions to ensure that Wright had learned, however. She had done as told. She always did as told, but it did not mean she had to think what she was doing was right.

She had never really considered it until this point, but it hurt to be doing what she was doing. Phoenix Wright had made her realize that. She had spent the entire week tending to him because she felt for where he was. She herself understood for the first time just what kind of an effect he had imposed upon them. It was brutal, sadistic even. She herself could be called a masochist for letting him drive her to the brink of her sanity for 8 years straight. It was then she realized something. Insanity is a measure imposed upon oneself. One could try to work one's way to be better and then one is no longer insane, but redeemed. The thought made no sense to her when she thought of it, but now she felt the sparks of revolution in her heart.

There was only one problem: once you were in, you were always in and you could never go out.

He came down at exactly 9:30, as promised. His brow was sweaty and forest eyes glaring. The gloves that covered the burn scars on his hands were covered with sweat and gunpowder burns.

"Sir, did you finish well enough with Wright?" She asked as Proton came down.

He nodded. "I think the boy learned his lesson."

"Indeed. You smell like gunpowder sir," she said.

He frowned. "I grow tired of idle chatter."

"I have things for you," she responded.

"If you are speaking of the sex, then I am not here for that tonight."

Swan froze. He had never said that before. Her hands began to tremble as she began to try think of what she could have possibly done wrong. Was he going to punish her too?

"I-I have something I pickpocketed off of Mr. Edgeworth for you sir," she stuttered.

Internally, she hoped she he had paid attention to whatever was in that police file. There was a hope in her heart that he could free her from this.

Proton raised an eyebrow, "What is it?"

"Access to a confidential police file as well as Detective Looker's card," Swan said, breathless. She gripped her desk to steady the shaking in her hands.

He huffed. "Have you found the file, Swan? The police have been gone from the crime scene for 3 days."

She control the shaking in her torso. "No sir...and my maid quit this week..."

Proton growled. "You are a disgrace Angel Swan! You've let a homeland security agent into your hotel, and now the file is lost!"

"Sir, but don't you think—" Swan began.

Proton screamed, "Enough! Thank you to your services to Team Rocket. They will no longer be required."

"Executive Proton, sir?" She muttered in shock.

He raged. "You shall not call me by first name you...you whore! I was not finished! You have disgraced Team Rocket and must be punished! Sayonara, Angel Swan."

It wasn't fair. She had served out a patronage to team rocket for years. The world wasn't fair though. Life could never be truly equal. There was no such thing as utopia or dystopia in her world. All that was left was only survivors in the feral underbelly of the urban battlefield. Survival of the fittest and the law of the jungle was all that governed her. And she had lost. Someone was more fit than her, and she would pay the price for it. The brutal price of death.

"Please sir, whatever it is you're about to do, please stop!" Swan pleaded, despite the fact she knew nothing would help.

That was when her left eye caught the glimpse of a knife. It was 8-inches and serrated. The knife of traitors would strike her down. She should have seen this coming. Hot tears streamed down her eyes as she wished to take back the last 8 years and suffer with the rest. She closed her eyes not wanting to watch what was to come next.

It was then she heard the whistling of the blade as he swung it fast and hard.

She had lost in the game of life.

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz