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Wind whistled over the rough planks of Silence Bridge. Detective Looker stood on the very outer rim of it. He was on the bridge, but close enough to the edge that he could run if need be. Thoughts of what was to come swelled through his mind. People got killed with stunts like this. He should have known better. He was a detective. But something in his gut told him this was important. That he had to show up.

The cold December air chilled his body as it whipped across the water. He pulled his trench coat closer to warm him. A sigh escaped his lips. He had shown up early. How stupid of him. Chills racked his spine. Something creaked in the distance. His head turned, but nothing was apparent. Only darkness loomed in the distance. Something sharp glinted in the distance. Another creak, but not single figure.

"Detective," a gruff voice said.

He shivered. "Who's there?"

He felt a presence from behind him. Turning around, he saw nobody, but when he faced the bridge again he saw something he never expected to see. Drenched in blood of some sort, was Executive Proton. His ruby gloves stood out from the dark and his white teeth flared as bright as the serrated knife he held in his right hand. A gold spray paint can stood in his left. Looker began to back away, until a voice behind him chilled his blood.

"It's nice to finally see you in person."

Surprised to hear the voice of Miles Edgeworth, he backed up. Edgeworth gave him a glare and pushed him behind his back. Proton let out a growl, dropping the knife. Edgeworth stepped forward and Looker stepped back. He wondered how the lawyer could possibly know Executive Proton. Backing up he wondered what the stare down was about, until Edgeworth ran for the fiend.

"You son of a bitch!" He shouted, charging for him.

Proton began to laugh, unmoving. "I wouldn't come any closer if I were you. You and I both know what happens when people get a little too close."

"Why are you here?" Edgeworth growled.

He said, "The same as you. I'm here for the detective. Isn't this what our cute little midnight rendezvous is about?"

"I'm afraid you're mistaken. I'm here to protect him," Edgeworth retorted.

Proton said, "And I'm here to kill him. So isn't that swell?"

Edgeworth turned around. "Run. Go! Right now Looker!"

The hammer of a gun cocked. Proton aimed right at Looker. Something inside him froze. As a detective, he was supposed to react based on training. However, the stimuli was something he could not figure out. Perhaps if he moved there would be a chance. Now though, Edgeworth could be shot if he made a run for it.

"Go now, Detective Looker!" He said, repeating himself.

"But—!" Looker responded, finding his voice.

Proton shut both of them up. "Yes, go Detective Looker. Miles Edgeworth and I will have little chat, and then we will fulfill Sabrina's vision. Psychic law is looming in the distance. Isn't that right, pink suit?"

Looker watched as Edgeworth began to shake. His mouth gaped and he grabbed his shoulder as he backed up, face struck by the lightning of terror. The detective wondered what vision he was speaking of. Something horrible no doubt.

"H-how do you know about that?" He asked, surprised.

Proton smirked. "It's as she says. Don't ask, because it's a waste of time. I'm sure if you use that brain of yours, you'll find out. Oh would you quit shaking, I'm only here to kill him."

"Then why are you threatening my life?" Edgeworth said.

Proton said, "I'm not. I'm only here to tell you that I'll be seeing you in court. I heard the Saffron City PD are going to un-suspend the proceedings. I wish you luck, especially since you're all out of leads."

Edgeworth looked back at Looker. Both of them knew this would be the moment where Proton would be distracted. He mouthed for him to go. Looker remained still. The slightest movement and he would be alerted. He had to run just at the right time.

"Oh? And what about the file?" Edgeworth taunted.

Proton laughed at him. "The file? It's a myth! It no longer exists. In fact, it ceased to exist...the moment of—" he paused while he took a shot at Looker who was running away "—Morty's murder. You should be smarter about running detective. No matter, I'll kill you later. I have business with the pink suit to attend to."

Looker was glad at the very least he'd had the insight to wear a bulletproof vest. The bullet Proton fired had grazed the upper right side of his back. However, he pretended that he was in excruciating pain, just for the sake of eavesdropping. The conversation was getting interesting.

Edgeworth continued. "That's bullshit and you know it!"

"Oh really?" He questioned. "Is it? Because I know you've been searching, and you still haven't found it. Have you ever why Sabrina wouldn't tell you even if the danger was passed? Why you couldn't find it despite the fact you searched for weeks? Don't be a fool Miles. She isn't helping you. She's in league with me! And guess what! I'm going to break her out of jail and then this will all be over."

"So then why the whole ruse with the trial?" Edgeworth said, defiant.

Proton said, "There is no ruse. Do you not understand? This is the new era of Team Rocket! We will prevail and our enemies will be slain! So what if she's put on trial? The world will know what happens to our enemies."

"You're just going to let her take the fall for a murder you committed! I know you did it! You won't fool me for a second!" he shouted.

The world stopped cold in Proton's silence. Looker watched in awe as the terrorist took off his gloves, revealing arms with scars as red as the last moments of sunset over the ocean. He sneered, shoving the gloves to the ground.

"Do you see this!" He screamed. "These scars are the proof of my loyalty! They are what bind me to greatness! You would never understand you piece of filth! I am not a murderer; I am a hero!"

"You're a sick psycho! I will bring you down before the law! Justice will be served!" Edgeworth screamed, arm pointed.

Proton grinned like a Cheshire Cat. "Try me, but if you lose I will put my knife through your heart."

"I count on it!" Edgeworth screamed.

He left me picked up his knife and gloves on the way out. "I'll see you in court gentlemen. Oh, and detective, you're not fooling anyone with that bulletproof vest."

It seemed as though he required an explanation from Miles Edgeworth.

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz