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December 3rd, 12:00 pm
Saffron City Gym

Wind whistled through the curved structure. There was a silence as the two men walked. Mayoral offices stood in the background, feeling out of place in the insanity of their world. Suddenly, Detective Looker found the urge to speak. He opened his mouth, but Edgeworth put a finger to his lips. His hairs were standing on edge, and although he wasn't superstitious he didn't trust his surroundings. Walls had ears.

Edgeworth sighed as Detective Looker stopped him. They could not be there. "It's not like we had a choice. Julia was going to die whether we did anything or not. We had no clue where she was."

"You could've at least sent us the tape. We could've found a lead that way," Looker said.

Edgeworth snorted, figuring there was nothing he could do but continue on. "But could you honestly? Face it. You said it yourself. There's a reason why Wright's hotel was  in the public police database. It could be anyone who is there. In fact, why not several of them."

"Just because your police department was corrupted once upon a time doesn't mean this one is," the Interpol detective argued.

"Quite to the contrary," he said. "My knowledge on the subject just proves that I know when something like this is coming."

"Oh don't give me that bullshit," said Looker. "I know this is just excuses.
I should arrest you right here and now on obstruction of justice."

"How did he know about the vision then? How did he know about the file? About any of this? The information isn't just something that will magically appear in his mind. The tap has to come from somewhere," Edgeworth said. "If you don't want to recognize that, then it's on you, but I won't waste any more time on this."

Edgeworth entered the building, but this time instead of walking right in he was met with a lady at the reception desk. She glared at him, eyes slit and mouth pursed. This was not good, especially when the time to solve the puzzle was dwindling away. Her raven her spelled out his doom. Getting past her would not go well.

"Excuse me sir," she said rude and sharp. "The gym is closed to visitors. Unless you are a psychic in training get out."

"But ma'am—" Edgeworth began.

"No!" she cut off immediately. "This area is under police jurisdiction so go."

The word police made him cringe. That meant Proton would know of his visit certainly if he went through. He would have to know in order for Edgeworth to get through. He grimaced. Maybe he could do something to get in?

"But ma'am, I came in here earlier with no problem..." Edgeworth dramatically sighed.

She glared. "How? This place has been closed down for a solid month?"

"I came in with Kaitlin Monroe," Edgeworth said.

The receptionist snapped back. "Well, if you want to come in then you're going to need to go and get her."

"But—" he tried.

"No but's!" She said.

A throat cleared behind them. "Excuse miss, but I asked my subordinate to do this."

Detective Looker showed up, Interpol badge in hand. Edgeworth was thankful. This would get them in.

"You're Interpol?" She stared at Edgeworth.

Looker spoke for him. "He's quite new. Anyways, Interpol would appreciate it if you keep this visit under wraps."

"Oh absolutely sir!" The receptionist began nodding frantically. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz