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November 6th, 3:15 pm
Grand Saffron Hotel

Grey afternoon light filtered into the hotel room from the blinds. The fan spun in a constant drone, casting a shadow like the blade of a knife that sliced slowly across his skin. His head hurt, throbbed even. He'd only had one glass of whiskey, but he had done himself over good nonetheless. Probably his own stupidity. The steak had been greasy, he was dehydrated, he'd had no bread, and he'd went to bed without a douse of water. A strong, Irish-like wiskey. 12 year old single malt at the very least. He sighed, almost an entire day had gone by. He took his time getting dressed. He would only go to see Sabrina for the day, it seemed.

Walking out into the hall, he crept. He still hadn't found the stairs in the building, and so he hoped, prayed even, that no one he knew was in the elevator. Crossing the lobby he couldn't avoid the ever watchful eye of Angel Swan. She was more fidgety than usual. Her dress was wrinkled and her hands were shaking. She wasn't smoking. Even her lips weren't their normal shade of red.

"Mrs. Swan, are you alright?" Edgeworth asked.

She froze at the sight of him. "Absolutely fine, Mr. Edgeworth. I should be asking you if you're alright. The maid dropped by your room several times and told me she had to go in and check to make sure you weren't dead. You weren't, of course, thankfully. I don't think I could deal with another death here."

"Well, Mrs. Swan, I'm very much alive. Unfortunately, I must go speak to my client. I've drained enough time today as is. As always, it was a pleasure to speak to you Mrs. Swan," Edgeworth said.

He left the building, strolling haphazardly to the detention center. His suit was in ruffles. His hair was sticking out in places due to lack of hair gel. Under his eyes were massive bags. Even his cravat was crooked. He looked as if he had been dismembered. Which he hadn't. Though he did know someone he wished would dismember him...The skidding of his own heels again a the pavement got rid of that thought quickly. No amount of anything would make it okay for him to think that.

When he arrived at the detention center her lazed in. Picking up a free newspaper by the door, he scanned the headlines. The loss of power in Vermillion City still hadn't been resolved, and no one had gotten a hold of the gym leader there either. It seemed as though some of the heavier power chords were missing. Sabrina was in the news. Her bail hearing was on the front page. No doubt to distract from the fact Executive Ariana hadn't spoken. There was a headline on the war on police of sorts in Sinnoh, with the serial killer who kept murdering officials. Most of the ones were now focused on speculations on the trial. He sighed, he didn't like the public interfering with the law. News tainted the outlook on things. Especially considering the fact people vilified Sabrina in the papers. That would only prove to make his job that much harder.

When he reached Sabrina's cell, he was in for a surprise. Green energy surrounded her as she did a handstand. He watched her struggling with her breaths while removing finger by finger from the floor. Within a minute, she was at one finger. However, it took his breath away to see her lift that final finger from the air and physically float. He watched as she spread her arms to her sides, straightening them to from her chest, like wings on an airplane. Using them as a kind of axel, she spun herself midair, cuff links glowing the brightest shade of green he had ever seen them glow. Within moments, she was floating, facing towards the window with entire room decked in the aura that she emanated. Her eyes opened suddenly, and instead of their crimson shade they were decked in a deep emerald, almost forest green that stole Edgeworth's breath.

She let herself drop then, waving her arm with her palm facing upwards as if she were serving something. It was a gesture to come in, met by her eyes which faded from green to their normal bloody shade of red. He walked in, newspaper in hand and sat down in the chair that waited for him. Sabrina sat down, sweaty. Edgeworth realized that her arms were muscular from the way the sweat sheened off of them. She looked down, staring at something. He couldn't tell what it was.

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz