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Sabrina sat in her chair in the detention center. She could hear his footsteps echoing down the hall as he stalked his way to her room. She resisted the urge to laugh. He was foolish for coming to visit her. However, she knew exactly why he had to. It was not as if he could hide anything. There was nothing anyone could hide from her anymore. Meeting Miles Edgeworth and Phoenix Wright had done that to her. Their connection to fate had been a catalyst to the increase in her powers. Just like the first time. She supposed it was good to have the ability to show someone where they were wrong. It was essential to her survival.

He reached the door. She resisted the urge to dig into his memories. There was so much she didn't know, but she wouldn't let the unknown scare her. He had learned everything he knew from her. As he stepped inside, she could feel the anxiety flowing from him. Who wouldn't be scared? She knew he was avoiding her for a reason. However, it was time to talk.

"Anton White," she said, as Proton walked into the room, "it is nice to see you again."

He cringed. "Sabrina."

"You should take more pride in your name," she responded. "It isn't tainted."

Proton grit his teeth. "Really Sabrina? Of all things you would say that to me?"

"Your parents loved you. I would hardly call that tainted. Mine kicked me out of the house because I was such a 'monster'," Sabrina scoffed.

The truth of the matter was that her mother had been sympathetic to the matter, but her father had not. All he had ever done, until she left, was call her unnatural, a monster. She had been shunned by everyone but her mother for the same reason. Her father had driven her to the streets, claiming she was the reason he had gotten fired in the Kantonese Economic Depression. It had a gone downhill from there.

He shook his head and huffed. "The file, Sabrina. I saw the tapes."

She smiled mirthlessly, "Oh please. You're just going to kill her anyways. I know better than to give it to you."

"Such a shame," Proton replied. "I would have loved to look at the stare of shock on his face as she would fall in the snow blood streaming from her heart as his friend died right in front of him. Now I'll just have to settle for tape."

"You are such a sadist," Sabrina spat.

He chuckled, "And you're horrified by that?"

"Yes," she said.

Proton stood and grew serious. "You know, I've missed you."

"No matter your affections, I will not rejoin Team Rocket," Sabrina said, one step ahead of him. "I am not a murderer."

His nose twitched and he began to pick at his gloves. "Grow up Sabrina! I know Surge and Koga coddled you when you were training, but you need to realize that we live in a battlefield, simple as that. You need to get your hands dirty to survive. Don't you get that? The world is a battlefield, Sabrina. You either pick a side or get caught in the crossfire."

"You killed the man I loved," Sabrina replied, being rebellious.

"He was a threat! He was a traitor Team Rocket," Proton shouted.

Sabrina growled. "He didn't deserve it! He was never a part of Team Rocket! All he was doing was his job!"

"Oh really?" he challenged. "Then what of the pink suit? He was never part of this. You changed his fate all in your own interest. How would you not find that similar? Don't you regret what you did?"

Sabrina chuckled. "It's cruel, but I would do it all over again. He needs it, I know that much."

"Does he now, Sabrina?" Proton asked. "Isn't it morally wrong to make choices for others?"

"Not when I'm trying to protect him, from you. I am saving him and you know what, I would do it all over again, but not just to save Wright's life, I will improve his life so that he does not feel the urge to die," she said.

He chided her. "You will fail. No matter how you try to 'fix' him, he is scarred, and just like you taught me, I will take every weakness and strangle it out of him until he cracks and then begs me to kill him."

"Such a waste of skill. You could help people you know, but instead you are obsessed with the idea of being feared from your savage ways. It's disgusting," Sabrina said.

Proton said, "Enough of this pointless chatter. I came here only to make you an offer. I love you Sabrina, so I will set you free right here and now and let you join Team Rocket. All you'll have to do is show me where the file is."

"Kanto is such a wide place, Executive Proton. You and all of your grunts can search every mile for a thousand years," she said, "and you will never find it."

"Then why tell Miles Edgeworth that he has the location. Isn't it wrong to send someone after a lost cause?" Proton replied.

Sabrina smirked. "That's where you're wrong. He knows exactly where it is, but doesn't realize it."

He stood up and prepared to leave. "By Arceus, Sabrina. I will find that file and you'll know what kind of a mistake you've made."

She watched with anger as he left and when he was gone, she stared at the direction his thoughts were coming from.

"Try me," she whispered.

She had two days left to do her best to protect Miles Edgeworth. Then, he was fair game.

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz