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November 22nd, 5:23 pm
Kaitlin's Apartment

"No!" Edgeworth screamed at the tape on the television.

Kaitlin got up from the couch. "He...shot...himself in the shoulder."

Edgeworth felt as if he were in a blur. A shot to the shoulder and a shot to the heart. Manfred von Karma and his father. DL-6 and the nightmares plagued his mind. Proton had been shot in the shoulder, just like Manfred. His mind froze as he became horrified. He couldn't move, only shake.

Kaitlin, however, walked away from the television, taking the tape and wrapping it in something white. It was Julia's lab coat. She put it on her lap as she sat on the couch. For a few moment she stared at it as if blood were trickling down her hands. Her hair clouded the details of her face up to her jaw, bouncing as she weeped.

"I—" he began, trying to find the words to comfort her.

She interrupted him. "You've screwed up my life."

"Kaitlin...about Julia I—" Edgeworth continued.

The entire room turned blue as she screamed. She clutched the lab coat to her chest as her eyes became illuminated with blue and her hair flew. The tears caught in her eyes became a byproduct of the swirling wind around her.

"You ruined my life. You didn't find the file. She's dead because of you. Now I can't pay the bills. Now I'm going to be left on the streets. More importantly though, she will never stand her in front of me again. She will never screw up her cooking, or tell me about how the detectives at the precinct are being a bunch of mother fucking assholes. She will never be able to stand in front of me again with that gleam in her eyes and tell me how she can't wait to become a full fledged detective someday. Never! It's all your fault!" Kaitlin screamed, hitting him with books.

Edgeworth shouted over the winds, "Proton would have killed her anyways!"

Everything that was swirling around him stopped and stayed still in mid air. Kaitlin sunk to her knees and looked at the air. She dropped the coat, the tape thudding on the floor. All the objects in blue fell to the foot.

"Get out of here, you fiend! Don't ever come back. You've fucked up my life forever. You and Sabrina both. You killed her. You are at fault. Never return," she said, pushing him out of the door before she slammed it.

Fear resonated through his system. He was lost. He didn't know where to go. Taking to the streets, he wandered. He tried to think of what to do. At the very least, he had money. However, it didn't do well.

No hotels would take him. He had to sleep on the streets.

Walking around, he shivered until he found the bench Wright had slept on in the past and took his place. He shook, breath staining the horizontal picture of the expanse of lights beyond him. Tragic, the trepidation of the unknown stuck his psyche. He feared he would be robbed, kidnapped, or even killed like Julia was. His body scrunched inwards, a reaction to the elements. He felt exposed, as if he were in the wild instead of a city. That was when he heard a crunch. It was slight, but that was enough to drive him from his seat.

Edgeworth hurried, instincts rushing him towards the police station. It seemed like miles away, but the distinct safe haven of pooled light was not that hard to see. He had no clue why he was so on edge, but there was no stopping him. He felt as if he were being hunted by phantoms, shadows of the night. The clicking crunches had stopped, but the sliver of gnawing, nervous doubt remained.

As he stepped in front of the police station, he saw a black blur from beyond. Then another from the way his eyes adjusted to the darkness. He ran for the police station doors. They were locked. A woman held a glare of contempt as he tried to knock. It was then that he was shoved to the ground. His vision blurred and his ears rang as he saw the twisted smirk the woman held as he tried to figure out his surroundings.

Edgeworth gazed into the eyes of his attacker who was clad in black. There was something red on his shirt but he could not make sense of it.  He hurt. His stomach was hurting. Blood of his splattered onto the ground, but wasn't sharply recognizable. He attempted to find some way to find back but his arms were somehow restrained. As he tried to free that, he came across another figure in black who was restraining him. The moment he began to cry out for help someone hit him in the stomach, making his vision blur more. Blows to his head, stomach, legs, and arms came quickly after that.

The onslaught continued until consciousness was a struggle. He couldn't lift his head, which no doubt had a concussion. The beatings stopped for a small moment. Instead they were replaced by a pair of heavy, black combat boots. A man squatted down, but despite the blur of his vision Edgeworth could tell it was Proton. His green hair seemed to proliferate for everything.

"Why?" Edgeworth groaned.

Proton laughed with a grotesque ripping in his voice. "I've changed my mind. Fight me for the file, Miles Edgeworth. I'll see you when you wake up. Until then, sweet dreams."

Proton spun on his heel, and propelled his foot through Edgeworth's abdominal up through his foot and chin.

The scream that ensured afterward fell on muted ears as it was virtually impossible to keep the darkness from taking over his mind.

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz