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November 19th, 12:01 am
Julia and Kaitlin's apartment

"Kaitlin. I brought ice cream and strawberry wine," Edgeworth tried.

Kaitlin shouted through the apartment receiver, "I don't want your alcohol!"

"At least let me inside! I'm freezing and my coat is up there!" He said, growing frustrated with her antics.

The communications system shut off and Edgeworth was left to his own devices. He lingered, wondering what was going on until he heard a thud next to him. His coat had been thrown down from the apartment.

The receiver turned on. "There you go. Don't freeze."

"Wait! You can't do this just because Sabrina didn't have an answer!" Edgeworth argued.

Kaitlin said, "I can and I will."

He sighed. Locked out of the house. This was not good. He stomped his foot and leaned against the house door. Sighing, he looked at the bottle of wine. As much as he wanted to have a sip he had things to do. As he stood up, he came across a mail person towing a dolly of boxes. A massive one sat on the bottom. Edgeworth watched as the man's finger hovered over the button to Kaitlin's apartment.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Edgeworth said.

The mailman stared at him. "Why not? Is this the wrong apartment? The large package is for a Julia Ehrlich..."

"Wells, sir, Mrs. Ehrlich is not there but her roommate is. I wouldn't recommend buzzing right now. She's quite emotional. Wouldn't even take free food and alcohol," he said.

"Is it your fault or something? " The mailman asked, eyes wide open.

Edgeworth shook his head. "Oh, Julia went missing. It's quite a big deal down at the precinct."

"Oh...I'm sorry for her loss then, who should I ring?" He said.

He sighed. "Anybody but her, and when you go to deliver her package, give these to her."

He handed over the wine and ice cream. "Make sure this reaches her. I tried come up, but she denied me. Just leave the package outside her door. She'll know you're there."

"Thank you sir," the mailman said as Edgeworth walked on.

He walked down to the police station, clutching the paper from Agent Hart in his pocket. His mind wandered as he walked. How would he get into the police data base? He had no idea. Yet this was all he had to go on. If it was really Proton who kidnapped the intern detective, then there was things to do.

Arriving at the police station, he found it in chaos. Protesters stood outside the building in their normal spots, chanting anti-Team Rocket cries. Inside the police were all in the far corners of the room. Not even the receptionist was at the desk. Edgeworth wondered if she was still in questioning.

He saw a lady with red hair storm from the conference room. "—not! The intern was one of the best and brightest here! I have authority over you, and by Arceus if you continue to fuck this investigation up then I will overrule your position!"

"Rach—" called the police chief, scurrying from the door.

She turned around and screamed, "That's Agent Hart to you, sir!"

Edgeworth was shocked. He had seen her jump off a cliff not two days ago. The only thing the same about her was her face. She swept through the hall, her coat fluttering behind her, cutting at the legs of those who were unfortunate enough to catch her in her work.

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz