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November 8th, 4:54 pm
Julia and Kaitlin's apartment

Creaking, the door to the apartment opened with the arrival of Julia. Disheveled, she looked as though she had been hard at work. Her hair was sticking up in places, which made Edgeworth wondered if she had flown in. It would make sense, with the distance to Vermillion City being as it was. She shook her head the moment she came in. Bad news was coming.

"Gym leader Koga has been identified as dead for a year now..." she sighed, collapsing on the couch next to Edgeworth.

Kaitlin stopped mid-sword swing. "Oh Julia, how was Janine about it?"

"Absolutely delirious," she said, pulling at her white hair. "She couldn't stop crying. We figure he died within a few days of when he left prison."

"Wait," Edgeworth said as Julia kicked his feet onto his lap. "How did they find his corpse anyways? And I would take those feet of yours down if you value your life."

She did as requested, answering, "They fished his skeleton out from near silence bridge on the day you came. The article was in the paper. Anyways, they did a reconstruction of the body from the skeleton found in the water and figured out it was him. Issue was, they found out something else."

"Don't tell me what I'm thinking," Kaitlin said, stopping entirely. "It's the reason your head detective called you in right?"

"Yes," she sighed. "8-inch serrated knife to the heart. The forensic anthropologist told it to me personally."

"Another one..." Edgeworth whispered until he slammed his fist on the couch. "Damn it! And it cost us our only possible suspect too..."

"Not quite." Kaitlin said, a sheepish smile coming to her face.

Julia rolled her eyes. "Oh here it comes."

Her expression morphed to a serious one. "I'm not kidding on this one. Edgeworth, I don't think you should stay at Swan's hotel anymore."

"Why?" He asked.

She shook her head. "And you call yourself a lawyer. Angel Swan has to be the murderer! Or an accomplice at the very least. She has access to everything there."

It made sense, and also explained a few other things that were strange to him. Like who tipped off the witnesses.

"I can look her up tomorrow in the database for you guys while the trial is going on," Julia volunteered.

Edgeworth agreed. "I can see where you would think that."

"Will you sleep here then?" Julia asked, excited.

"No," Edgeworth shook his head. "I need to stay there. If Swan is the killer then we need someone to watch her. See if she makes any slip ups. Understand?"

"Of course," Julia said, "well then, I think it's best we make some dinner before you go off. So you don't eat with a potential murderer."

"Shouldn't would kill me," he said, sure of himself. "It would expose her as a murderer if she did."

Kaitlin laughed. "Yes, but she could drug you again."

However, as soon as Julia reached the kitchen, the one telephone they had in their house began to ring. Julia grabbed it, twirling the cord in her hand. Her face grew dim as she listened on. Edgeworth wondered who she was talking to. Hanging up she faced Kaitlin.

"We will have a rain check on dinner. The detention center called. Sabrina has requested to see you personally," Julia said.

Kaitlin gave her a confused expression. "But visiting hours are over."

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz