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November 8th, 11:45 am
Defendant Lobby No. 3

"It's true," said Sabrina. "I stabbed Morty."

"Why?" Edgeworth asked.

She looked at the floor. "There was no choice."

"I don't understand," he said.

Once again, these type of barriers. It frustrated him to no end. He wished she could just tell him things outright.

She scoffed. "Nor will you. I'm sorry Mr. Edgeworth but this is something that I will remain silent about. However, I will say this. It was one of the most difficult things in my life to do. I stabbed him just above the adrenal gland to try and make him live."

"Was it premeditated?" He asked, a little incredulous.

He just couldn't believe Sabrina would stab anyone and be calculative about it. Even from what he heard from the police officers on his first day there, she was very impulsive on her anger.

"Psychic law, Miles," she said. "That is all I have to answer on that question."

"I meant the original time," he responded. He'd came to the conclusion that it didn't matter, but he still wanted to know.

She sighed. "That time was not planned. It just happened."

Somehow, the statement brought a little relief to him.

"I don't know what to say," Edgeworth muttered. He paused and then looked at her. "I forgive you. You admitted what you did, which makes all the difference."

"Thank you I-" she began to say before the door slammed opened.

Wright took three strides over to Edgeworth where he immediately socked him in the face. Knocked over, he tried to regain the wind in his stomach and the bearings of his mind. He stood up, wiping away the blood flowing from his nose.

"Why the fuck did you do that, Wright?" he screamed.

Wright slammed Edgeworth against the wall. "I told you to drop the god damned case Edgeworth!"

Why in the world would he bring that up of all things? He was normally screaming about Sabrina. Edgeworth had to stop for a moment before he proceeded. He wasn't quite sure what action to take with Wright at this point.

"Damn it Phoenix!" He tried using the other man's first name, while pushing him back with an uppercut. "I don't understand what's happened to you! If it's because of me leaving, then sorry! Get over yourself honestly!"

"You just can't comprehend it Edgeworth! You never will! I told you to drop the case because it's for the good of everyone, but you wouldn't listen!" Wright argued, throwing a fast punch to Edgeworth's stomach. This caused him to cough up blood.

"Wright! Get a hold of yourself!" Sabrina said, stopping the punches. She looked a little straggled.

He pointed a finger at her. "You! You are the cause of all of this pain! All of this suffering! I hope you go to hell Sabrina! I want you to die a horrible death!"

Sabrina started crying. The response was so unsolicited that Edgeworth could do nothing but watch and just wonder what was going on in her head. He knew Wright meant all the grief about the case, but he didn't understand why Wright couldn't see what he himself was doing. If it was anyone's fault it was his.

"You have no clue about anything Wright! Just shut up! I hate you!" Sabrina screeched.

"Touché! And once I put you in put you in jail for this murder, I will personally prosecute you for everything you have ever done! I will ensure you get capital punishment!" Wright finished.

Edgeworth looked at Wright. The anger pulsed through his veins as he growled, "Get the fuck out and don't talk to me ever again. You're not welcome here anymore Wright."

Sabrina however, had one last thing to say. It waa the strangest thing of them all, especially when her reaction morphed the way it did. "Sleep Phoenix. It'll help with the anger."

"Good riddance to the both of you too," Wright said, blood trailing down his shirt as he walked out. He completely disregarded everything and slammed the door once more.

As soon as Wright was out of the room her began to pace like a lion in a cage. Deciding he wasn't getting anywhere he sat down, letting his back slide against the wall. He sighed, frustrated. That was not how he pictured things would go with Wright.

"He is beyond helping," said Sabrina.

Edgeworth looked at her. "What do you mean?"

"It is a lost cause to get him to have faith in you. He needs too many things in order for that to be achieved," she explained, squatting down to face level with him.

He sighed. "What are some of those things?"

"Trust in you, to begin with," she responded, standing up. "I know that will take a long time to cultivate."

"I'll see you tomorrow, Sabrina. Goodbye for now," he said.

As he approached the door she said to his back. "Don't take it personally. With him, it's business."

Turning around, back to the door he finished, "I'm afraid it's too late for that. The only way to rectify him, is to beat him."

It was then he was out the door, determined with a case to win.

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz