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Flying east was one of the most torturous endeavors that he knew of. Being in jet lag was like having a hangover, without the ability to experience the pleasure of alcohol beforehand. The sickening feeling of exhaustion while trying to stay awake was like a knife twisting in his head. He had a headache and wished he could be home. The world was bright, but his impression of it was not. He wondered if it was worth it. Yet, he didn't mind so much as it was not on his own dime that he found himself in Saffron City.

Upon his arrival at the airport he had been chauffeured to the police station by a police car. There was a reason for it too. In front of the police station was a riot. There were protesters of all sorts there. Ones with strange costumes and others with massive signboards depicting people in purple robes. Most of all he saw the faces of a man with blond hair and a beautiful maiden with glaring red eyes. They seemed to be divided into two sides. One protested in favor of him and the other of her. Yet, upon closer inspection he noticed an entire third group that held steadfast with massive signs with a line through a massive red 'R'. The shouting gave him the chills.

Arriving in the precinct was even stranger. The entire police force was cursing and running around shouting at one another. He heard the words 'Executive Ariana', 'trial', and 'Team Rocket' bouncing around every corner of the office. The police chief was barking orders and he swore that he saw a few officers go for the riot gear. Absolutely shocked, he stood in the doorway until the police chief came up to him.

"How can I help you sir?" the police chief greeted. "As you can see the precinct is pretty busy with the entire Executive Ariana thing."

"Hi, um, I'm a lawyer, a defense attorney...the one you guys chartered over here to defend Mrs. Isis?" he explained.

The police chief shook his hand. "Ah, welcome. We will get to the formalities later, but let me get her case file for you and then get the paperwork to sign."

"Um, sir, why is it exactly that you need a foreigner to represent Mrs. Isis?" the lawyer asked.

"Well...she–" the police chief started until he was cut off by a frantic officer.

The officer panted, "Sir! There...was a...call...from the...detention...center!"

The police chief looked panicked. "What did they say?!"

"Well, um, sir...Sabrina signed for a lawyer..." the officer reported, absolutely shocked.

"Who?" the police chief asked, floored as well.

The officer tapped his chin. "Give me a moment to remember...it starts with an 'M'..."

"I don't have time for this! The crowds are getting rambunctious!" the police chief snapped.

"Miles Edgeworth!" the officer exclaimed, after thinking for a second.

Immediately the police chief said, "Give me his file! Now!"

"Absolutely sir! Someone sent for it this morning actually because of the tapes in the office..." The officer trailed off before disappearing after the file.

The lawyer finally found the urge to speak, "E-Edgeworth agreed to defend someone?! H-he's not dead?!"

"You know this man?" the police chief asked.

"Is he also a foreigner?" the lawyer asked.

"Not sure," the police chief said, "I've been too busy dealing with all the PR to know anything. Though, I haven't heard anything about him before so maybe he is. Sabrina wouldn't let just anybody defend her."

"Mrs. Isis, you mean?" the lawyer questioned further.

The police chief nodded. "Yeah, we call her Sabrina. She's a prominent figure around here, but she refuses to be called by her last name and so her first name stuck. Anyways, you know that other lawyer guy?"

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz