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November 10th, 12:45 pm
Saffron City Detention Center

Exhaustion pulled at the lawyer's features as he glanced at the two way window. It was funny how everything had turned out into such a roundabout ordeal. He was tired, he didn't know who she was, but he had a mission in mind nonetheless. Opening the door he sat down across from each other. They stared at each other in competition, like two wolves competing for the spot of alpha.

"Die Unterstützung der Armen und Schutzlos, war der Ziel meines Lebens, bis her. You were thinking it, what does it mean?" She said, beginning their conversation.

"The support of the poor and defenseless was the goal of my life, until now," he translated.

Another silence happened between the two of them. The watched each other, waiting for the other to speak. The attempt to be civil and ignore each other didn't work.

"Welcome," she said suddenly. "I was expecting you."

"You lied to me," he said. "This entire time you've been setting me up to take the fall for something you did. Let me ask you, how did the case end? If that was even real at all. What verdict did I get you?"

The anger flowed through him. Red rage, seared his mind as he looked at the criminal in front of him. She had betrayed him. She wanted him to defend her when she had done something as so unforgivable as disowning her father in the name of Team Rocket.

Sabrina stood up and walked to the window. "You never got me a verdict."

"Good," Edgeworth said, the anger stabbing his vocal chords.

She finished, "Wright did."

That stopped him. The same Wright who tried to warn him of this for his own good?

"What do you mean?" Edgeworth asked, letting curiosity take over.

Sabrina faced him, the deep depths of her bloody eyes telling a story. "I lied to you."

"No shit Sabrina," Edgeworth scoffed. "Just tell me your fucking side of the story so I can leave on a plane and know that I did the right thing by doing that."

"You were never my lawyer. Wright was, the original time," she explained.

He shook his head. "That's impossible. He would never settle for defending you at this point."

"I broke psychic law," she said.

Suddenly a scream ripped through her throat as she hit the floor. Edgeworth watched her squirm in a painful seizure. She stopped within moments, but Edgeworth couldn't help but wonder what just happened. He had seen Kaitlin go through the same thing, yet Sabrina was able to stand up and clutch the window for support again.

"What do you mean, you broke psychic law?" Edgeworth asked.

Sabrina said, sitting down, "By asking you to be my lawyer, I broke psychic law."

"Why the hell would you do that? Aren't you the one who preaches to all of your god damned gym trainers to not have psychic aggression and all that shit?" He ranted.

She sat silently, clenching her teeth. Then, opening her mouth she said, "You don't want to know."

"Yes," he responded. "I do."

She sighed. "Then sit down, clear your mind, and gaze into my eyes."

He watched her ruby eyes until a mental picture wafted into his mind.

"Objection!" Shouted Wright. "Don't you walk away! You should pay for your crime!"

A man with green hair laughed. "It's too bad that I've already succeeded with my wishes."

"Or so you think," said Wright. "You couldn't possibly have because I have the file right here and right now. Your motive for killing Morty that proves Sabrina's innocence."

He took it up to the judge who read it and looked surprised. "Is this really so, Mr. Wright?"

"Absolutely, your honor!" Wright shouted as if a psychic conversation were going on between the two of them.

The judge nodded. "Well then, I honestly believe that circumstantial evidence points away from Mrs. Isis as being the murderer. In that case, I rule Sabrina innocent of all charges."

The gavel was banged and Wright smirked. Edgeworth appeared relieved across the room.

"It's too late for you. You lose Proton," Wright said to the main with the green hair.

He chuckled a horribly piercing and horrifying laugh. "No, it is you who loses."

That was when he pulled out a gun and shot Wright in the heart, killing him instantly. He ran towards the doors while Sabrina ran for Wright.

"Wright! Please! Wake up! Please! Don't die! I can't lose somebody else..." Sabrina screamed as she tried to do something to stop the bleeding.

However, there was no point. His pulse had stopped and he was dead. Edgeworth ran over to the other side of the courtroom.

Pointing his finger at Sabrina he yelled. "It's your fault! You killed him! He's dead all because of your damned non-guilty verdict! Couldn't you have let him live?! I hate you! You really are a monster!"

Backing up into wall, Edgeworth stared at Sabrina.

"What was that?" He asked, panicked.

She looked at the floor in melancholia. "That's what happened the first time in the vision."

"Wright got shot! He was killed!" Edgeworth screamed.

She looked at Edgeworth tears starting to trail down her eyes. "Oh Edgeworth, I'm sorry."

"Why the fuck are you crying? You saved his life," he said.

She shook her head. "No, I didn't."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

She sobbed. "I chose you to die in his place. You, like your father, will die of a bullet to the heart. When you die, it will kill him."

He stared at her. "You chose me to die? Who the hell do you even think you are? You think you have the right to play God?"

"Please, Miles," she pleaded. "It wasn't like that. I was angry at you at first..."

"So what, you try to make me have the urge to live again?" He asked.

She screamed. "I tried to help you die in peace, but then I watched as you changed and it felt wrong because I felt for you! You found redemption, where I thought it didn't exist. Then, I fell in love."

"No," Edgeworth said, "you didn't. You don't do that to the person you love. You think you can love me and leave me to die?"

"Won't you just believe me? It was one of the hardest decisions I've ever made in my life," She begged.

He laughed sardonically. "Of course I would believe someone who's a terrorist criminal that chose for me to die. Your father was right, you are a monster. I hate everything about you."

"Please, don't go," she cried.

He touched the doorknob and turned around. "I already am. Good riddance Sabrina. I hope you live the last 15 years of your life in a comfortable cell."

It was then, he walked out the door for good.

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz