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November 10th, 9:42 am
Courtroom No. 4

Edgeworth hadn't slept at all. After Kaitlin's psychotic breakdown, both him and Julia had escorted her to the hospital because she had gone into a seizure. His night had been spent with the white-haired girl, sitting and waiting for her to wake up. He hadn't gone to see Sabrina that morning. There wasn't enough time. He could barely focus in court.

"All rise," said the judge, interrupting his thoughts. "Today the trial of Sabrina Isis for the murder of Morty Goodman will continue. Is the prosecution ready?"

"Yes your honor, the prosecution is ready." Wright said, brushing the cuffs of his shirt. He was wearing black instead of white.

The judge asked, "Mr. Wright...whose funeral are you going to today? Your suit looks rather nice."

"A certain person I know named Miles Edgeworth will having his," Wright joked.

The judge took him seriously. "Oh! Well I hope Mr. Edgeworth will rest in peace."

"I'm sure that Miles will rest in pieces," Wright said, glaring at Edgeworth.

Edgeworth cleared his throat. "Ahem. The defense is ready?"

"Of course Mr. Edgeworth, but may I ask, where is your paralegal?" the judge said.

He bit his lip, trying to hold back the cringe. "Well, your honor, she was hospitalized last night for a seizure and exhaustion."

"Will she be alright?" The judge asked.

Edgeworth's eye twitched. "She'll be fine, please, let's get on with questioning Mrs. Swan."

"Absolutely," the judge nodded. "Prosecutor Wright, how long of a recess do you require to prepare the witness?"

Wright boasted, overconfident, "Mrs. Angel Swan needs no time prepare. She's ready."

"Alright, then call the witness to the stand," said the judge.

Wright nodded, walked down the hall, opened the doors, and sat back down. Wind whistled through the vector of the open corridor, as if swirling into a storm about the top of a mountain. Outside the windows, the sky had gone dark from an upcoming storm. Suddenly, the clicking of Swan's shoes entered the hall, like the sharp, random boom of thunder. Her felt trench coat was buttoned up high and a cigarette was billowing out smoke as she walked. Her ginger hair swayed and bounced with her stride.

She read the oath of honesty, which Edgeworth felt she would not follow. He watched as she stared him down, completely void of amicability. The action reminded him of wolves, the two potential alphas staring each other down in an aggressive stroke to establish dominance. She was primal, but he would find a way to use her savageness against her. For a moment, images of some of his more important cases flashed through his mind as he prepared for her testimony.

"Would the witness please state her name and occupation for the court?" began Wright.

Swan lit a cigarette. "I'm pretty sure the court already knows my name."

"Would the witness please refrain from smoking?" asked the judge.

She glared at him. "No."

Edgeworth tried not to cough at the smell. Wright continued, "I ask you, please, state your name and occupation for the court."

"My name is Angel Swan," she said, mocking Wright as if he thought she was a kindergartener. "I run the Grand Saffron Hotel, but double as the receptionist."

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz