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November 5th, 11:04 am
District Courthouse Exterior

Kaitlin's purple kimono reminded Edgeworth of Maya's acolyte robes in the daylight. When she first came up to him, he found himself flinching at her presence for the case of mistaken identity. The reminder of Wright's bubbly paralegal of sorts made him on edge once again as he remembered just what kind of behavior the man had exhibited in and out of the courtroom. It was wrong. The thought of the lawyer gave him a headache of which he rubbed his temples for.

"What did he say to you after court?" she asked while he came to the vague awareness that he had been staring at the street.

He raised an eyebrow and questioned, "What is it with all the mysterious questions? Why are you asking me about Wright?"

"The questions aren't mysterious," Kaitlin said, "they're just one step ahead. I only ask because your headache was prompted by psychic energy that's different from what it was in the courtroom."

"You know, an 'I'm sorry for puking all over your suit' would be nicer than trying to act like her and annoying the living daylights out of me," Edgeworth grumbled.

"Ah!" Kaitlin exclaimed. "So then Sabrina is your problem, correct?"

Edgeworth said, "In a sense. I'm not chatting this up any further with a total stranger, however. And I still haven't received that apology, either."

"I'm sorry about your suit—" Kaitlin said.

"Good," Edgeworth began to walk away, "you've apologized. Now I'm going to—"

She sternly cut him off, "No. Look, I came to apologize for Julia having to go and get a complete stranger to take care of me, but I also watched your trial for a reason."

"Being?" Edgeworth questioned,tapping his foot while expecting an answer.

"I want to—no, Julia and I want to help. There aren't that many people out there that believe in Sabrina. Plus, I know you need all the help you can get. You fear that prosecutor, Wright. You need people to circumvent him, and you also need an investigator to legally help you procure information here. As I see it, your hands are tied," Kaitlin explained.

Edgeworth said, "I suppose you're right. What use will you be to me though?"

"I will stand with you in court and explain what I can to you about Sabrina," she responded.

Edgeworth nodded. "I guess it doesn't hurt to have allies. Prove yourself to me then. Tell me what psychic law is." 

Kaitlin visibly tensed at the statement. "So then you accept our help?"

Edgeworth noted her caution to breech the subject. "Yes, I agree to your help."

"Then so be it. Psychic law is the cruel credence of fate that we must uphold. I've always thought its terms were wrong, but as psychic I must follow it on the price of agony," Kaitlin explained.

"Then you claim that you can also see the future?" Edgeworth asked, remembering something Sabrina had said.

Kaitlin shook her head. "No, I cannot. I feel bad for those who can, however. There are stories of psychics who had seen even the economic depression and what ruin it would bring about to Kanto, but could do nothing to stop it."

"Economic depression?" Edgeworth asked.

Kaitlin gripped the hem of her kimono in a rough stroke as she whispered, "Yes, there was a massive economic depression here in Kanto that caused many problems. It's what is ultimately responsible for the death of my mother and the death of Julia's father. If it had never happened I would be doing your job, there would be no Team Rocket, and the entire world would be happier. Instead, we live in a cold world with a dark underbelly and law of the jungle."

Psychic Aggression {Ace Attorney and Pokemon Wattys 2016}  (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz