Never again

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Hey guys it's immy and this is the first chapter of this book enjoy!!!

Amelia Lilly's POV:
Hi my name is Lilly never call me Amelia Lilly that's what my dad called me.  I am four years old and I am living on an adoption home. Why you ask. Because my dad was a alcoholic.  He murdered my mum and he sexually and physically harmed me. He called my bruises and scratches " decorations" he used to leave me at home on my own to feed and look after myself after my mum "died" at this time I was 2 when it all stated. I still have scars on my arms and legs. I was nearly dead by the time someone found me as called the police and then I was taken into care.
I have long brown hair and blue eyes like my mum I am very skinny from the lack of food and nutrients and all those things.
I have been adopted once and they sent me back because thy were having their own child. I've never been adopted again. I usually tell myself never again.
Demi Lovato saved me. As soon as I heard her music for the first time. Oh how I wish she would adopt me. Oh like  that's ever going to happen.

Demis POV:
I can't sleep. I feel like something's missing from my life. I went to look at puppy's today but their not what I'm looking for. Then it hits me. I grab my phone an ring my manager. " what's up Demi??" "Ermm well strange question" " what Demi??" "Can I adopted a child?!?" I practically spit out of my mouth and all I hear is my manage laughing " we knew this was coming." He replies "what do you mean??" "Well when we went to see puppies today you didn't seem right. Me and Michelle had a chat and we came up with an answer." My manager explains " well can I??" I ask impatiently. " of course you can Demi" "oh my gosh thank you soooo freaking much!!!" I squeal and hang up the phone. I ran straight to my laptop and found an orphanage about 5 minutes away.  I've decided I'm going to adopted a child tomorrow.  I want a child between 3-5 years old. Omg I'm so flipping excited!!!
The next morning
Amelia Lilly's POV:
"Never again" I say to myself Listening to Demi's skyscraper "never again" I mutter again. "Lilly. There's someone here to see you!" Angie the women who owns this place called. I didn't reply. I switched of my music and walking down stairs pulling my socks as I did. I walked in to angies office. No this isn't possible. No it can't be. Not Demi Lovato. ??? Is this real???

Hey guys it's immy! Did you like it???? I really hope you did!! Anyway let's get this to 20 reads?? maybe?? Have a great day love you lots. 

Adopted by Demi Lovato (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now