hey guys.

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Hey guys, so I'm back. I've been gone for ages I know but I'm back now and I'm going to start writing again. This book has done so well, it blows my mind how many people have taken the time to read the words I've put out into the world. It means so much. In celebration of reaching 10k (!!!!!!) Reads. I'm having a competition!!! The competition is the person who wins gets to help me write the next chapter of this book. If you don't want to take part thats fine. But if you do please message me after reading the rules😊.
Follow me.
Have read the book
Voted on at least 5 chapters.

To enter all you have to do is create a cover piece for the new chapter. The chapter will be about how lilly is treated by her father and his gang and how she is found. More details will be given to the winner as I don't want to give to much away. The chapter will be called "life happens"

Good luck to all. This competition will end on April 10th 2017 and I will announce the winners on April 13th 2017.

Byeeeeeeee xxx

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