Telling nick

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1 Month Later...

Demis POV
Nick has been out doing shows for the past month I told Joe and it didn't go well so now we're not talking and Lilly will only communicate with nods of her head it's just like when i first adopted her and the thought that she isn't happy hurts me with the feeling of failure. I have failed of being a mother No! No you haven't demi pull your self together she is probably just scared about a monster under her bed or something. I have decided that when Nick come home I'm going to tell him and I cant leave it any later because I'm starting to show a little.

Nicks POV
"Dada Dada!" I hear a exited Lilly coming to the door I put down my bags and pick her up swinging her around and crying with happiness like I'm a soldier who has been signed off duty. I see demi leaning against the wall and she is smiling with happiness I put Lilly down and i tell her to go tell selena but stay with her and play. "Hey beautiful" I say whilst smirking at demi "Hey handsome" I pick her up and carry her bridal style as i take her upstairs into our bedroom.

Demis POV
Nick lays me down gently on the bed and he takes his t shirt of and lies next to me. Crap Nick please don't distract me I need to tell you. As he begins to kiss me I reject "What's wrong demi?" I have to tell you something his face goes from excitement to worry "What's up baby?" "Nick on our wedding day when you went home with selena me And Joe started making out and he he got me pregnant..."
His face goes pale and his eyes are full of anger...

Nicks POV
What the hell this isn't real...
Demi my wife.. cheated on me...
I get of the bed zipping up my trousers and pulling on my shirt, I stand and stare at demi with anger and sadness "Your f****** joking me" she doesn't say anything and she begins to cry "I thought you were the bone demi I... I can't believe you and you did it with my f***** brother you s***!" "Nick please I'm sorry I was drunk!" "On our wedding day demi! We did out vows of being promised to each other! And you blew it away! I hate you ands my love for you has gone!" I run down stairs and go into the living room where selena and Lilly are I pick up Lilly and tell her "Come on Lilly were going" "Hey Nick where are you going?!" "I'm taking my daughter away from her!" I point at demi she is crying and keeps repeating sorry but I'm not listening. I pick up my suitcase and throw my ring on the floor. I battle with Lilly's car seat and also her screaming at me to stop didn't help I begin to drive away with demi running after our car and Lilly is shouting to her "MAMA MAMAAAAA!" I drive and drive until she is out of sight...

Can I just say I did not write this chapter. smemmy2003  the amazing person that she is wrote for me!

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