Chuckle butties

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Demi's POV:
As pulled in to the parking lot I heard Lilly jump in delight because she could see all the kids playing on the toys. I could actually open her car seat this time. First time for everything I thought. There were no paps around so I asked Lilly "do you wanna walk you do you want me to carry you babe?" "Can you carry me pweaes" she asked me not pronouncing her l's quite right. So I picked her up on to my hip and walked into chuckle butties. I walked up to reception "1 child please aged 4." I asked kindly. "Yeas of course miss Lovato how long would you like to play for?"  The women asked. "Hour and half please." I replied. I had set Lilly down on a bench and when I turned around she was sat on the floor taking her shoes of. When se managed it I handed her shoes to the lady took Lilly's hand and lead he to the play area. "Mamas gonna sit right here so if you need me come to ok baby." I said to Lilly bending down to her level. "Yes mama." She replied and ran off.
I sat on my chair sipping my coffee watching Lilly run and climb. I thought about the fact that she had actually called me mama. "Mama why are you crying." Lilly asked looking confused. "What do you mean I wasn't crying babe I just had something in my eye." I lied. "Can I have a drink." Lilly asked looking at the fruit shoot beside my drink. "That's yours babe do you want me to open in it." She just nodded and I opened the bottle. She had a sip and went of to play.

Hey guys it's immy I hope you enjoyed this chapter let me know in the comments don't forget to vote if that is what you desire. And as always stay strong stay quirky and stay gorgeous. I love you all so much don't forget I'm here to talk if you want.
~immy. Xxxxxx

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