is it time?

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Lilly's pov:
It's dark. It's cold. I'm sore. I'm scared. Tears slipped down my cheeks, I want my mom, Sophie and baby Emily. I don't know where I am. I can only smell alcohol. It's an old smell. I tried to sit up but my wrists were tied. My ankles were joined by rope and when I tried to scream, the tape stopped any sound escaping.  I heard keys in the door and a bright light was turned on. "ah Amelia." I shrunk down wishing I could disappear. "well haven't you been a bad girl. I told you no talking. Why did you let that bitch adopt you. Well?" I continued to cry. Wishing mommy was here to hold me and whisper in my ear. I spotted the knife attached to his belt. I started shaking. He shook his head and took a Polaroid camera out of his back pocket. "lie down bitch" I did as I was told and he set the camera down. He came closer. He bent down slowly, he was making sure I knew what was happening. I knew very well. He pulled the knife from his belt and traced his finger across the blade. I felt a searing pain through my leg. A punch to the face. Stomach. Chest. Face. Stomach. Searing pain through my arm. I heard a camera click. Laughter. A kick. More laughter. And I remember no more.

Sophia's pov:
Mom was sat in the corner of Marissa's couch with knees up and face between them crying, whispering, sighing, crying some more. She looked up and I nearly broke down. She looked so broken. So weak. I stood unable to watch her suffer. I walked over slowly. "Mom?" She murmured. I sat beside her. She lay down and seeped into my lap. I rubbed her back soothingly and whispered comforting messages. She fell asleep and I gently moved a cushion on my lap under her head and moved slowly.
After successfully leaving I walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on. Marisa came in and wrapped me in a  big hug. I stood there weeping like a little baby. Marrisa sat me in a chair after 5 minutes and made us both a mug of hot chocolate. I took one sip and stood up running to the bathroom. I got there just in time before I stared vomiting. Marisa followed and held my hair back. "shh it's okay baby." She soothed as I sat on the bathroom floor weeping.  "I'm just so scared" "I know baby. She'll be okay. We all will." We sat there hugging untill we heard mom walking around.

Demis pov:
I woke on the sofa. I heard something come through the letter box. It must be hours later, it was getting dark I stood up and walked to the front door picking up the envelope. It was addressed to me. I opened it. Inside was the scariest thing I have ever seen. My baby. Beaten up. Lay on a cold concrete floor. Life less. Limp. The tear stains were evident. As well as blood. A note fell from the envelope. I picked it up. Hands shaking. Blood rushing. Emily was still. Time seemed to stop. My knees felt weak. I felt dizzy. I sat against the wall and started to read the note.

Dear Demetria, 
     I have Amelia, she was never your child, she was and had always been mine. You will never see Lilly again. You will not find her, ever. If you try to find her I will only harm her more. I will begin to go after your loved ones, and you won't be able to stop me. Today I feel generous so if you want Lilly back it will cost you, let's say 5 million dollars. Meet me by the empty lot just outside of town, at midnight bring half the money tonight and half next week. Same day same time, come alone. If you bring anyone I will kill everyone you love and care about.

I sat shaking. Tears streaming down my face. I know what I have to do. I heard footsteps. Coming down the stairs. I shoved the note and picture in to my bra and stood up and walked in to the kitchen and pretended to act natural. "Mom?" I skilled weakly. "hey baby." She ran towards me and hugged me. "What's that?" "What's what?" "There's paper in your bra." I gulped. "there isn't." "I don't believe you but I'm not putting my hand down there." I laughed weakly. "but I will." Said Marisa. I forgot she was there. There was no use in running. I'm right months pregnant and Marisa would win anyway. She walked closer and shoved her hand in my bra pulling out the piece of paper and Sophia picked up the photo that fell. She dropped it again and sat on the floor shaking. Marisa read the letter and looked at me. "no demi, you are not going. I'm putting my foot down. Im ringing the police." "No! Marisa don't. Please. I'm begging you. I want my baby back." "Demi, I know you do. But paying this bastered won't get Lilly back. I'm calling the police." I didn't argue anymore. I sat in a chair and cried. I haven't felt pain like this even in my darkest of days. Sophia ran from the room. She hates to be seen crying. I was alone. In pain. I want to cabinet in the corner of the room and opened it. Bottle upon bottle of wine sat in front of me. I took one out not even looking at it opened it and drunk from it.

Marisas pov:
I walked to hall and picked up the phone and rung 911. "Hello 911, what's your emergency?" "Hi, I would like to contact the police. Missing person and escaped prisoner." "Okay, I'll put you through." "Thank you." For a couple seconds the line went dead. "hello la police." "Hi I want to report a missing person and escaped prisoner." "Names please?" "Amelia Lilly lovato is missing. We think her father the escaped prisoner Michael Smith." I heard muttering. "have you received any strange mail?" "We received an anonymous letter."  "Oh dear. Right I need you all to stay put. Can you give me the names of everyone in the house please." "Marisa Callahan, demetria lovato, sophia lovato." Okay. Address please." I gave him the address. "Okay we will have someone out immediately. Stay where you are and do not contact anyone unless it is an emergency." "Okay thank you for your help."
I hung up the phone and walked into the kitchen to find an eight month pregnant demi surround by 2 wine bottles." "DEMI WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING. YOUR EIGHT MONTHS PREGNANT AND YOUR DRINKING A THIRD BOTTLE OF WINE. WHAT THE HELL DEMETRIA!!" I was super pissed. She may have had her daughter kidnapped but that is not a reason to relapse especially eight months pregnant. I started crying out of frustration.

Sophia's pov:
I heard chaos downstairs. Marisa was yelling. I covered my ears and ran to the bathroom. I opened the draw under the bath and pulled out one of the millions of razors. I smashed it against the wall. It broke. The blade sat there. I took it in my hand. I had two choices.
A while later. I emerged from the bathroom my wrists where clean. My thighs were clean. My chest was clean. My stomach was a warzone. Demi wouldn't check there. I walked to my room and put a hoodie on and put my headphones in. 

Outsider pov:
The police showed up outside the door. Marisa opened it letting the police it. She had pulled pregnant demi up the stairs and into bed. She had left Sophia in her room. The police followed Marisa into the kitchen. She put the kettle on.
"Could you please tell me where Mrs lovato is please"
"She's upstairs sleeping"
"Is everything okay?" The officer asked pointing towards the empty wine bottles.
Marisa turned bright red. "yeah. No. Yeah everything is fine apart from the fact that demi is eight months pregnant drunk 2 and a half bottles of wine and lost her daughter and has to be sober enough to go to meet this dickhead in 4 hours."
"Okay calm down miss Callahan. We need to get demi seen by a doctor before anything else happens."
Marisa nodded and one of the officers  went to phone a doctor.

Lilly's pov:
I could feel them haul me up. Drag me. Hit me. I pretended to be asleep. I heard the conversation. I couldn't scream. We went outside. I considered yelling for help before remembering the tape over my mouth. My sounds reopened. And started to bleed. They threw my in to a van. I threw up from the impact, the blood loss and pain. The tape stopped the vomit from leaving my mouth. I was forever to swallow it. It was souer I wanted to throw up again but I kept it down. I must have fallen asleep cause the next thing I remember is seeing a bright white light and my real mommy floating above me saying. "it's okay the let go sweetie. Come be with me." I was scared. I pushed myself towards the ground were I could see demi with her arm outstretched saying "don't leave me baby I love you."

2 days later Lilly stirred. She woke from her coma.

Grace xx

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