Winning them back

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Nick POV
I knock on the door and sigh heavily there is no going back now...I want demi and Lilly back... I thought about it all and I realised that what I did was worse than what demi did demi  made a mistake.. we can start life again 're do our vows and have our own children so Lilly has siblings. I hear the door open and there she is standing there with a look of shock on her face but is still looking as sexy as she did when I met her. "Nick?! Erm what are you doing here!?" I begin "Hey demi erm i have been thinking...I want you in my life I want Lilly in my life...I want a future with you and were still married...I want to 're do our vows and I want to have children with you I want you back because and I have thought that through a lot over the past few months" she stands there with no emotion in her face when finally she says "Ermm Hey..Nick..erm..come on in a sec" she stands at the side of the door making way for me to get in I hear a little quiet voice saying "Sewena who is it?" And what is obviously selena saying "I don't know Lilly babe I think it's a fan or something" I walk in the room where the voices are coming from with demi behind me as I enter I see a very cosy Lilly and selena on one of many L shaped sofas, "Oh no it's not a fan selena it's erm Nick and ermm I'm hear to apologize to err all of you" the room goes quiet when eventually Selena speaks "Oh Ye well first you take Demis daughter away from her and then dump her back on the door step and no you also beat her up so that abuse to her baby as well and Ye I do not exempt you ******* apology!" She storms out the room and the front door closes and then opens when selena speaks "I'm going to get you doughnuts demi he better have got the **** away by the time I come back" and she slams the door and gets in her sports car. "Hey Lilly" I say crouching down in front of her "me and mama are gonna talk upstairs okay? And sweetie I love you sooo much Lilly" she nods her head and shuts her eyes. Me and demi head upstairs, it's just like the day where I for back from doing shows were just about know when she told me that news...we head into the bedroom and sit down on the bed, demi begins to speak "Nick...I..I..don't know what to say can't just pop up like that And expect me to be all oh my God I missed you so much when you hit and kicked me and possibly harmed my baby..Well I was hoping I could say our baby.." I begin to get upset at that what the hell have I done to our relationship?! "Demi babe" I say as I scoot up closser to her "That wasn't like me at all in fact that wasn't the Nick you know and used to was a horrible messed up and pretty depressed person..but I got help and I would never ever would've done like that if I wasn't drunk at the time..I would never hurt your..Well our baby...I would never ever do that.. And you should know that baby because I do love you and when I said my love for you had was because I was angry"Demi stares into my eyes innocently..damn it's so God damn cute when she does that! When eventually she speaks " love you to and I will forgive you eventually but it's going to take a while..." I sigh with relief but something UN expected happened...she leans in and kissed me and I accept and wrap my arms around her and she does with me,we kiss for what feels like days or months when eventually we stop and smile at each other...I have my baby back!

Hello everyone it's immy. Sorry this chapter is up a little late I hope you don't mind. Thank you smemmy2003 for this awesome chapter. And guys we need 10 reads for 1k you people are awesome!
Stay strong.
Stay beautiful
There's a reason your here.
~immy xxxx

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