for better or for worse

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Selena's POV:
Once we were all in the car we drove back to mine. I told Demi Justin was out and we were going to order pizza. She nodded and busied herself in scrolling through twitter.
Once we got back to mine I wen into the kitchen and ordered the pizza. I opened the kitchen drawer and grabbed the envelope. And walked back into the living room and handed Demi the letter.

Demi's POV:
Dear Demi,
I've made a decision, I'm going to stay with our aunt for a while. I can't cope with all this. Adopting a child getting married. I'm sorry. But here is a plane ticket to Pensilvania if you want to talk.
I'm sorry.
Maddie xxxx  

Adopted by Demi Lovato (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now