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Demi's POV:
After what felt like years of me and nick sat in my bed kissing and cuddling Lilly walked in to the room and sat on my knee "Selena's back mama." She whispered into my ear. She gave nick a death glare when he smiled at her. "Okay I'm coming now baby." I replied kissing her temple. I stood up and took a deep breath. I took hold of nicks hand which he gave a reassuring squeeze Lilly sat on my hip one hand on my back and the other on my bump. We left my bedroom and went back into the living room were Selena was sat on her phone. "Hey Dems. I got doughnuts. Glazed and sugared. Oh what the **** is he doing here!"  Crap. "Thanks for the. doughnuts." I tried to steer away from the fact that me and nick were holding hands. And if looks could kill Selena would be a murder. "You know what I'm not eve wasting my time." Selena grabbed her bag and her phones and walked out the door. "Were swena gone mama?" "I don't know babe." I told Lilly with tears streaming down my face. I took of running down the hall and into the gym. I grabbed a pair of boxing gloves and started hitting the bag. I ripped it it several areas from punching it continuously. I started to hyperventilate. Great. I was a having a panic attack. I pressed my back against the wall and slid down. The door opened but I ignored it. The next thing I knew was Lilly sat on my lap singing nightingale. "Can you be my nightingale." She sung the high parts softly. After about five minutes of her singing I calmed down an Lilly kissed my tear stained cheeks. "Come on mama. Dad as making dinner" I followed Lilly out of the room and in to the dining room were nick was placing plate of Mac and cheese on the table. We sat down and made conversation at the table. Nick asked about the baby. I told him that that it was a girl and I was going to call her Emily. I told him about the tour that I decided to cancel seeing as I was pregnant but I was gonna do a meet ad greet here I LA. The evening was chill. I sat on the sofa watching movies (as usual) with my top above my bump and Lilly was whispering soothing messages and singing to my baby bump. Nick said his first hello to Emily and I showed him the scan photo. 

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