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Soooooo @annanoel20 tagged everyone to do the 14 facts about be thing soooooo here's mine!!

1. My name is actually Grace not
2. My wattpad best friends are smemmy2003 and michelle_x_x_x  check out their books.
3. My real life best friends are Emily and Louise. They are peng.
4. I'm a really weird person. I wil laugh about something that happened 5 months ago!
5. Demi Lovato. Is just. I have no words. She's just amazing. No she's not perfect. But she's perfect to me.
6. I'm originally Irish and I constantly get asked to say certain words or something in Irish
7. I'm 13 nearly 14 but I still act like a 10 year old. I don't wanna grow up.
8. I love to dance. I don't take lessons but I like to make my own routines with Louise.
9. Me Louise and Emily are pretty much sisters we are far to similar.
10. I hate art. So freaking much. But I love drama.
11. Judge if you will but I like science.
12. Me and Louise want to set up our own interior design business.
13. Every time I log onto wattpad I'm blown away with the amount of views I get in my books.
14. I love everyone. (In a friendly way). If your nice to me I'll be nice to you.
15. (Because I love to guys I'll through in a bonus one!) I have memorised most if Demi's album confident.

Sooooooo that's 15 facts about me. I tag:

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