Sorting it out

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3 months later
Demi's pov:
I was sat in Lilly's room cuddling her favourite teddy which was sat on my small bump. Joe still wasn't taking to me and Nick still has Lilly. I want my baby back. That's it I know were I'm going. I walk into my room and for the first time in three months I actually it dressed and did my makeup.
I marched downstairs and into my car grabbing my phone as I did. I text Selena.
D= demi
D: meet at police station. 10 minutes x
S: leaving now what's going on? X
D:I'll explain when you get here x
S=okay on my way x
10  minutes later as promised Selena arrived at the police station. "What's ping in dems?" Selena sounded concerned. "Well I'm divorcing Nick and getting my daughter back." I replied. I got a nod. Nothing was going to sway me now. I wanted my daughter.
"Want to report someone please."
"What's your name miss?"
"Demetria Devonne Lovato"
"Who would you like to file a report against?"
"Nick Jonas."
"What are you reporting him for?"
"Id rather not explain while everyone's around sir."
"Of course this way please"
I was lead into a tiny room and sat at a small table. I'd convinced them to let Selena stay with me.
"So why are you filing a report against Mr.Jonas?"
"On our wedding night his brother and I were drunk and we had sex. And now I'm pregnant. 3 months. When  I told nick 2 months ago. He took my adopted daughter and never came back. And I want my daughter back." I tried to explain it with out crying. But no I started crying. Selena squeezed my hand.
"Why didn't you come to us sooner?" The officer asked.
"Well I guess I was scared. After not being long pregnant. With hormones everywhere I kinda thought that he would bring my baby back." By this time I was crying heavily.
"Well we will see what we can do. Can  I just ask your daughters name and looks please."
"Her names Amelia Lilly Lovato. She has long brown hair blue eyes and is very skinny."
"Okay thank you ms Lovato. You can go now."
Selena took my hand and lead me back into the car. Shielding me from the paps.

2 days later.
I was sat on the sofa glazed sugar doughnuts and drinking dandelion and burdock, a strange British drink that Selena got me while on tour. Anyway I was eating my 12th doughnut (I'm pregnant leave me alone) I heard a knock at the door thinking it was Selena I shouted come in. Bad decision. "You know you shouldn't tell orpine to just walk in" my head snapped up. Nick. "We're's my daughter?" I asked the first thing that popped into my head. "Nice to see you to ****." Nick raised his fit and punched me around the face. My firs thought was to protect my baby do I rolled on to the floor and curled into a ball protecting my stomach. "******** **$***** *******" the insults kept coming as the hits and kicks came.
Eventually I heard him leave. I slowly got up. And went to shut the front door which he left wide open. "Mama?" "Lilly baby come hear". I opened my arms wide and she came running. "Your not gonna send me back are you?" She asked worried. "Never in a million years." "But what about the new baby?" "You were my first baby and I have enough love for both of you." Lilly kissed my check and I carried her upstairs and laid her down on my bed. I lay down and she cuddled up as best she could with my bump. My happy babies.   

Adopted by Demi Lovato (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now