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Once we left dinky doughnuts Lilly was pretty tired and so was I. So we jumped into the car and drove home. Maddie had moved back in with our parents was now 4 months pregnant. She's having a baby boy and is over the moon. She can't choose between Michael and Jamie. Both I thought were cute. "Mama." Lilly said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yes baby?" "Can you put your songs on pweaes." When she say it in that voice I couldn't resist. I turned in the radio and stone cold was on. Lilly immediately started singing and so did I. Natural reflex I suppose. I was thinking of putting Lilly in for singing lessons as she was really good for her age.
We arrived back at the house were paps were covering the driveway. They move so I could park but as soon as I took Lilly out of the car and sat on my hip they started flashing photos. "Is it true your pregnant." One person shouted. "Yes" I yelled back and walked into he house locking the door on my way in. I set Lilly  down and she ran upstairs to get her pjs on I followed her and did the same. I looked in the mirror and smiled as I saw my bump. I went down into the kitchen to get a glass if water and take my vitamins. "Mama look!" Lilly can running into the kitchen wearing my dressing gown and my red lipstick. I couldn't help but laugh. "Lily look at you!" I was laughing so much I was crying. I snapped a picture and sent it to Selena.

D- look what Lilly's done!  😂😂😂S- omg seriously! 😂D-yup

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D- look what Lilly's done!  😂😂😂
S- omg seriously! 😂
D-yup. Do you wanna come watch movies with us?
S- sure I'll be there in 10.
D- don't forget the doughnuts.
S- I won't!

15 minutes later me Selena and Lilly were sat eating doughnuts and watching beauty and the beast. About an hour in to the movie Lilly fell asleep on Selena's lap so I made her a cushion  bed and Selena place her into it. "So how did the doctors go?" Selena asked. "Really well but I cried when I saw the baby." "Understandable. So is it a girl or boy????" I knew she was gonna say that. "A girl." "Yaya yay" I knew she was gonna react that way. She leaned over and gave me a big hug.
After we watched the end of the movie there was a knock at the door.

Nicks POV:
Well there no going back now.

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