Where are we going?

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Lilly's POV:
Mama left. We were at Selena's house, mama read a letter and she started crying. Just picked me up said goodbye to sel and put us in the car. All the way home was silent and mama wouldn't talk to me. Once we got home mama went to her room and started packing a bag. She put in her makeup some clothes her wash-bag and her laptop. I went to find dada and started crying. "What's wrong baby girl?" "Mamas leaving." I sobbed. "Just stay here I'll go talk to mama."

Demi's POV:
Nick walked in.  "Babe what are you doing?" I handed him the letter. "Lilly thinks your leaving her." Nick said in a hush voice. "Well I have packed her a bag. I'm going to see my baby sister. Can we put the wedding on next week instead please. I don't know when I'll be back." I didn't wait for a reply. I waked out of the room and went to get Lilly in the car. "We're going on a little trip to see mad mad okay?" I told her holding back tears. All I got was a nod. I was about to drive of when nick ran out of the house with a rucksack. "Don't leave me alone!" "sorry babe."
I went to dire out of the drive way , and there were the flipping paps. I'm so pissed right now. They pick their moments. I beeped my horn and thy scattered like scared chickens.

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