gaining trust

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Nick's Pov:
I decided to take Lilly out for the day to try and regain her trust. I thought I would take her to Disney land and then to get some dinner. I woke up with Demi curled into my side. I moved out of the bed slowly so I didn't wake her and went to take a shower. When I got in the shower I realised Demi still had all my shampoos and body gels. I stood in the shower for about 30 minutes before finally stepping out and wrapping a soft white towel around
my waist and walked into the bedroom to see Demi sat on the bed reading a book. "Morning dem." I said looking through the wardrobe for some clothes that were still here. "Morning". She replied. God I've missed her. I picked out a basic black tee-shirt and black jeans. By the time I was changed demi had left the room to make breakfast. I walked down the stairs to find Lilly watching TV curled up in the sofa and Demi in the kitchen making 'Demi style pancakes' Demi style pancakes' are basically fluffy pancakes with vanilla ice cream and sprinkles. Lilly's favourite. And mine. Demi set three plates on the table tow with coffee and one with apple and raspberry juice. Lilly came in and sat as far away from me as possible. Breakfast was quiet but it wasn't awkward. Well for the most part. Once we finished eating, I gathered up the dishes and washed everything up, and into the dish washer. After I was done I went to check on demi. She was sat on the bed throwing clothes into different piles. " what are you doing." Asked her. "Sorting my clothes into piles of want fits and what doesn't fit" she replied as if it was obvious. She continued throwing a tank top into a small pile and and a pair of jeans into a large pile. "Well I need to go shopping" I nodded in agreement. "Do you mind if I take lilly to Disney today?" Her head snapped up. "She doesn't trust you." She replied. "I know that's why I want to take her." I debated what Demi was saying. "You can ask her but she won't want to." I nodded and left the room. I walked down the hall to Lilly's room and knocked lightly. "Lilly?" "What do you nick." Danm that stung. She's never called me nick always Dada. " I wanna ask you something. Can I come in?" I asked her practically begging. "You can ask me through the door." I wasn't going to fight with her. "Do you want to go to Disney land just me and you?" I really wanted her to say yes. "No" was her simple answer. "Please" I begged her. "No f***k of." I gasped. And walked of down the hall. I walked into Demi's room. "Your daughter needs her mouth washing out.". I told her. " what do you mean?" Demi looked at me confused. "Go ask her!" And with that Demi walked out of the room.

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