A day with the girls

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Lilly's pov:
I woke the next day and It took a while for me to comprehend who was in my bed beside me. Eventually I remembered that it was Alex we met at chuckle butties and she came for a sleepover. I gently shook Alex to wake her up. But she didn't move so i tickled her sides. She giggled and rolled of the bed I couldn't stop myself from laughing. Mama ran in the room her hair all messy because she had just woke up. "What was that crash!?!" She asked. "I...tickled...Alex....she...Fell...of....the...bed!!!" I gasped between laughs. Alex stood up laughing and tackled me with tickles. "Well while I'm here I'll join in!" Mama yelled and started tickling Alex and Alex tickled me, while we screamed and giggled. "Who wants Demi style pancakes' and hot chocolate for breakfeast!!" Mama asked. "We do!!!!" Me and Alex yelled out. Mama jumped of my bed and went down the stairs. A few minutes we heard music blasting from the kitchen. Then me and Alex had a little dance party. "Cmon Alex let's go watch a movie!" I said. "Only if we watch monsters university." Alex said. " Agreed." I replied and we walked down the stairs in our onsies. A few minutes later we were sat in the living room watching monsters university and snuggled under blankets. "Shall we prank Demi?" Alex asked. I nodded in response. "Follow me." I said and she nodded. I lead her up the stairs to a cupboard in Demi's room. I grabbed two cans of silly string and a tub of glitter. We walked back down the stairs and hid behind the dining room door.

Demis Pov:
"Girls breakfeast!" I called after I set the plates down on the dining room table. I went to walk out the door to get drinks, then I was covered in glitter and silly string. Good job I haven't showered yet. "Girls!" I laughed and they laughed on a heap on the floor. I shook glitter out of my hair and it landed on them causing them to laugh more. A few minutes later they stood up and shook themselves of and went to eat their breakfeast. I've already had a granola bar and a coffee so I went upstairs to take a shower. I waked into my bathroom and stripped of and dumped my clothes in the wash basket. I hopped in the shower and rinsed of my body and my hair. I decided to take the girls to the meet and greet with me today and then out to dinner and maybe to the park and then drop Alex home and have a movie night with lilly. I finished washing my hair and climbed out of the shower. I put on my underwear and then a robe and walked down the stairs. "Are you okay girls?" I asked. They were now finished their breakfeast and watching TV. They just nodded and carried on watching. I grabbed my phone of the side and checked my messages. 10 missed calls and 13 texts from nick. I'll sort them out later. "Lilly Alex. Bottoms upstairs now please time for a shower!" I called and they grumbled but pulled them selves into my room. "Lilly you first." I said and lilly walked of shaking her hips making Alex laugh. "Cmon sauce pot I'll wash your hair." I said and lilly smirked at me and asked into the bathroom. She stripped of and then sat in the middle of the shower waiting for me wash her hair. I grabbed the extendable shower head and rinsed her hair of. "Coconut or apple or raspberry, lil?" I asked her. "Mmmmm... Coconut!" She said as if in fake thought. I washed her hair through and wrapped her in a towl. "Go on go get alex." I told lilly. She walked out and Alex followed in a few minutes later. And I went through the same process with her.
Once both girls were washed I brought them into Lilly's room to get dressed and they chose their outfits. Alex chose a floral dress with a white collar, a flower crown, and a pair of brown sandals. Lilly being Lilly chose a denim skirt with a purple tee shirt with black converse and a black headband. Once they were dressed yet sat in front of the telly watching 'princess protection agency' and I went to get dressed. I chose a black tank top, luckily it fit over my 5 month pregnant belly. I tried to squeeze it to a pair of skinny jeans but they wouldn't get past my thighs. Typical. I sighed and threw the to the other side of the room and grabbed some leggings. I grew on a jumper and a few necklaces and bracelets and did my make up. The first thing I grabbed was my concealer to hide the evidence of sleepless nights. I carried on with my normal makeup routine and finished with a bright red lip. "Lilly, Alex!" I called the girls and they came running through the door. "Do you wanna choose a lipstick?" I asked them and they nodded vigorously and started rummaging through my lipstick box. Alex chose a bright pink lipstick, and lilly chose a matte black liquid lipstick. Very different personality's but best freinds. I applied there lipsticks and grabbed my bag and shoved in my lipstick as well as Alex's I didn't need to take Lilly's that wouldn't be coming of anytime soon, and my phone and keys and we were out the doors and in the car.
In the car I put in a Disney CD and we had a Disney carpool karaoke type thing. We eventually arrived at the place were I was having a meet up. I got the girls out of the car and held their hands and walked in. We were lead to a room were there was a girl stood in the room. She looked up from her phone and started crying. "Hey baby girl don't cry." I felt tugging at my sleeve and I looked down to see a pouting lilly. "I'm your baby girl." She said. "Shh you my special baby girl, you and baby Emily." I told her and she smiled and went to sit with Alex, after giving the girl who was crying a hug.

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