planning to leave

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Nicks POV:
It was hard saying goodbye to Demi and the girls. With Demi being almost six months pregnant I didn't want to miss anything but I knew that she would protect the three girls with her life.
The girls were of to Hawaii for two weeks and then coming to visit me on tour for a week. That was going to be the highlight for me.
I woke and looked at my phone. 11:00 crap I was meant to be up for 09:00. Great now i only have an hour to spend with the girls. I rolled over realising that Demi wasn't there. She must be downstairs already. I pulled myself out of bed and went into the bathroom. I showered and brushed my teeth. I got dressed and headed downstairs. I walked in to the kitchen and saw Demi stood over the cooker and Sophia and Lilly sat at the breakfast bar. "Morning girls" I said. "Morning babe ." Demi said "morning Nick" Sophia said and I got a death glare from Lilly. "Watcha cooking hon?" I asked Demi while smiling at Lilly. Sophia was in her phone and taking selfies with Lilly. "What time are you leaving babe?" Demi asks putting pancakes on a plate. "12ish babe." "Oh okay. Breakfast is ready." Demi set down 4 plates with pancakes and Strawberry's. We sat down and said grace before tucking in. "So Sophia do you want to do online or public school?" Demi asks. "Can I do online please?" She asks. "Sure baby" Demi replies popping a strawberry in her mouth. "Mamma you have more Strawberry's than me!" Lilly moaned. "I have  a baby in my tummy" Demi replies. "One second" Lilly says running out of the room and into the living room were Demi had been sorting washing. A minute later Lilly ran in with clothes stuffed into her onsie. "Mama I need more Strawberry's I have a baby in my tum tum!" Lilly yells. We all bust a gut laughing. "Okay baby I'll get you more Strawberry's" Demi said standing up and walking to the fridge. "Dada?" I snapped my head round to see Lilly  stood with her head dropped. "Whats wrong princess?" I asked her. "I'm really sorry" she says climbing on to my lap. I picked her up and hugged her close "its okay baby girl. I'm sorry to." We sat and cuddles until Demi walked in with a bowl of strawberries. After we all finished breakfast Demi took lilly to get dressed and Sophia went into the living room and finished sorting out the washing. I went upstairs and went into the bathroom grabbing my wash bag and putting it in my suitcase. I brought my case down stairs and put it beside sophias and Demis. Lilly was sharing with Demi for ease. I went back upstairs and into the bedroom were Demi was zipping up a cropped white leather jacket. I missed her cheek and said goodbye and said goodbye to the girls and went outside to wait for my car.

Demis Pov:
I don't want nick to leave. I mean I have the girls but me and Nick have only really just got back together. I'm gonna miss him. Alot. I went downstairs so lilly say on the sofa with the box of Strawberry's. "Lilly" "yes mama" "you will make yourself poorly" as I said that lilly put the strawberries down and ran upstairs. And into her room. I followed her to see her rolling around her bedroom floor laughing her head of. "Pranked you!!!" She yelled  I laughed and pulled her into a bear hug. My phone vibrated in my back pocket I pulled it out to see a text from Maddie.

Maddie- we all got nightmares and no dreams.
Demi- ?????
Maddie- we look for someone to believe in us
Demi- I believe in you, what are you on about?
Maddie- and show us the way,
Demi- and show us what way. I'm confused.
Maddie- and make it okay.
Demi- did something happen to you or the baby?
Maddie- the world can be dangerous.
Demi- I know what are you on Bout?
Maddie- there's something so rare in your vains.
Demi- I'm going to ring mom if you don't tell me
Maddie- Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo don't ring mom!!!
Demi- what's going on Madison
Maddie- I lyric pranked you!!!! Shadows. Sabrina carpenter.
Demi- ...................

Maddie can be quick childish but I love her alot. I got lilly dressed in cute pair of dungeress and a yellow t- shirt.

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