Dinner at disney

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Demi's POV:
I was in the bathroom getting changed when I heard them. The voices.
Why did he come back for you. Your fat and gross.
I blocked then out even though I felt the urge to cut. I knew I shouldn't so I quickly got dressed. I put on a loose disney t-shirt with black leggings and let my ombré hair loose. I went back into the bedroom at this point Lilly was awake so I to her changed aswell. I put her in a Cinderella dress and little black pumps. Nick changed his shirt into a Mickey Mouse one. I topped of mine and Lilly's look with limited edition sparkly Minnie Mouse ears. And we were out the door.
Once we arrived at the restaurant we got Lilly sat down in a high chair because she is so small. And me and nick sat in the booth across from each other. A kind waitress can and took out order. "Mommy what are those lines on the lady's wrist." Lilly asked me once the waitress walked of. "Those are battle scars babe. Red means they are fighting the battle and white means they have won the battle but are still fighting the war." I explained to Lilly who nodded thoughtfully. "If you ever see someone with battle scars you kid their wrist and tell them To keep fighting and stay strong." Lilly nodded and went back to her drawing.
When the waitress cam back over and have Lilly her drink, my baby took her wrist kissed it and whispered in her ear. The waitress eyes filled with tears as she hugged Lilly. "Thank you sweetie." The waitress said.
Once we got back to the hotel and I got Lilly in to he pjs is at on her bed with her. "I am so freaking proud of you baby." I told her. "Why did the lady start crying. I did what you told me to." I asked quizzically. "She was crying with happiness love." I explained "okay mama" she replaced crawling into he covers and falling asleep.
I curled up next to Nick after watching a movie. And fell asleep feeling incredibly proud of my baby.

Hey guys it's immy. I hope you like this chapter. Can I just sat Demi's new song "body say" is freaking amazing. She is queen. As always stay strong stay beautiful and stay hopeful things will get better. In always here. Add me on Instagram. immy_x_
Add me on snapchat. Immy1012
~immy xxxx

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