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Guys. Thank you. Wow, I really don't know what to say if I'm honest. When I started this book I only though I would get like 10 reads if that, but I come on here and see over 14 thousand reads and it makes my heart happy. And it makes me feel so happy to think so many people have taken time to read the words I put on the internet. I don't even know what to say except thank you. I went through some pretty tough shit while writing this book, but I've also overcome a lot of shit while writing this book, I kinda used this as a way to find myself in some respect. I lose my self in the words and I could be writing for hours before thinking whatever I've written is too personal so I've deleted it all and started again which is part of the reason it took so long for me to update sometimes. Thank you for being there in a way, just by seeing the reads shoot up after updating makes me so happy.
Okay I'm rambling sorry guys.
Have a great evening/morning/afternoon whatever time it is for you. I love you so much

Grace xxx

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