Date night

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Demi's POV:
A heard a knock at the door. It was about 3 in the afternoon. Nick was at work and I just got back from the recording studio recording my new song "body say".
I went to answer the door and there stood Marisa and Selena, my two best friends. "Hey what you guys doing here??" I asked unsure of why they were just stood at my door out of the blue. "Well Marisa's baby sitting and I'm here to doll you up." Selena explained. "Why???" At this point I was confused. "No questions." Marisa replied walking last me into the living room to find Lilly. "Lilly's in her room getting changed!" I called to Marisa as Selena grabbed my hand hand lead me to my room.
An hour and a half later I dressed in a tight black dress which showed of my curves. My short hair was lightly curled with a sparkly clasp at the back pinning my hair out of my face and my makeup was gorgeous. "Wow thanks Selena it's gorgeous!" I told her breathless. "No your gorgeous!" She replied taking my hand an leading me downstairs.

I walked into the living room to see nick sat on the edge of the sofa. "Hey babe." I said and his head snapped up. "Hey babe you look stunning!" He replied unable to take his eyes of me. "Thanks sweetie." I cooed. "Ready?" "As I'll ever be." 

Nick had taken me to  a very posh restaurant and it was lovely. We spent the night talking about my new album my tour and Lilly and other family things.
When dessert came nick looked anxious. He waited for me to start before he did. I dug in and took a bite of my rich warm brownie and felt something in my mouth I took it out and gasp. "Nick?" I asked breathless. "Demetria Devone Lovato will you do me the honour of becoming Demetria Devone Jonas?" Nick asked he sounded nervous bit he had no need to be. "Yes baby yes of course!!!" I cried out and there were cheers and whoops from people around us. I cleaned my ring of with my water and nick slipped it on my finger kissing my lips gently as he did. "I love you." I breathed against his lips. "I love you too mrs.Jonas." Nick replied against my lips. That was one thing I would never get tired of hearing.

Hey guys it's immy. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Were to expecting that?? Stay tuned to find out Lilly's, Demi's parents and Nicks parents opinion on the marriage.
My other books:
Divergent life
The diary of a slave
Adopted by zalfie

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