what really happened?

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Demis pov:
I felt Lilly's hand move under mine. The doctors and told me there was a 5% chance of her living. I started crying. "mommy?" "Lilly? Baby? It's me mommy? Open your eyes. My little miracle baby." She said nothing else. Her eyes twitched. "baby?" She moved her hand rolled over and fell back to sleep. My baby was alive. Oh my god. The relief.
"Demi we have to leave." Marisa says shaking me gently awake. I nodded and followed her out of the room. I still felt very sick from the copious amounts of alcohol I had consumed but Lilly was more important. I took some advil and drank a bottle of water before heading out into the car where Sophia and Marisa were waiting. "right the police have gone ahead and set a trap. We will wait at a cafe across the road. And you will go meet him in the empty lot. Okay?" I nodded. "I need to go to the bank. To get the bank to get the money out." Marisa handed me an envolope. "Done." "Thanks." She nodded and started driving.
30 minutes later.
I stood in the empty lot. Knowing the exact positions of the police. I also knew that the man that abused my daughter was about to show up. My ands were clammy. And I felt sick. I had a feeling that I could go into labour at any moment. Shortly a black van appeared in the lot. This was is. He climbed out and opened the back of the van were Lilly lay unconscious. "Demetria. Why aren't you a good girl. You are alone aren't you?" "Yes of course I am." I gulped. "have you got the money?" I nodded holding my hand out so that the large brown envelope was visible in the midnight light. He took the envelope and opened it he carefully counted each piece of paper. Also the while I stood nervously. He turned around to get back into the van. Police stood there. They held their guns aiming at him. He dropped the envelope and tried to dive into the van. One officer shot him in the leg and he fell to the floor. I ran over to the back of the van as quickly as my pregnant self would let me. I got there sitting on the edge, struggling to breathe reaching across to my baby. I got hold of her leg and pulled her closer to me. Untying her wrists and ankles revealing the rubbed and red areas of skin and cuts and blood and bruises. I removed the tape from her mouth. It was covered in vomit. Her breathing was slow. I sat there crying rocking my baby back and forth.
End of flashback.
"Miss lovato?" "Yes?" "We have the results back from your daughter's examination. She will live as far as we can see. She has mild brain damage. She has been sexually abused numerous times. Taken a stab wound to the arm leg and torso. And as been beaten many a times. She will be very confused when she wake up. But she does remember everything." "Thank you doctor".

1 week later.
"Lilly baby we can go home." I said. I've never felt such happiness in my life. I had a scan and Emily is fine. I found out that Sophia had relapsed but she's okay now. Lilly is very much better. Her dad had been locked away once and for all. Nick has restarted tour since he knows we are all safe and Marisa has been amazing through  the whole thing. I'm just happy now because I know everyone is safe.

3 weeks later.
"Lilly come here, meet Emily." Emily rose lovato was born May 18th . A healthy 4lb 6oz baby girl. Born at 02:47pm.

Guys that's it adopted my demi lovato is finished. There will be a sequel soon but I'm going to finish Sophia's story first. Once that's done I will get to work on the sequel. If anyone has any ideas on a title please let me know in the comments.
Thanks so much for being apart of this amazing experience with me.
All my love.
Grace xxx

Adopted by Demi Lovato (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now