Shes perfect

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Hey guys it's immy I hope you enjoy this chapter. Xxx

Demi's POV:
As soon as  Lilly stepped into the office I took one look at her and thought she was perfect in every way. She light brown hair and bright blue eyes she was rather small I thought she was about 2. "Miss Lovato this Lilly. She is four years old."Angie the key worker explained to me. "Hi Lilly." Lilly said nothing but just nodded her head.

When Lilly left the room I turned to Angie "I want her she is perfect". " miss Lovato Lilly is actually called Amelia Lilly but don't call call her Lilly but I should warn you Lilly is mute  ."  Angie explaind everything to me about Lilly's past. I was shocked how could someone treat such an innocent child like that?? "That doesn't change my mind I want her." "If your sure" "oh I'm sure"
Angie left the room to get Lilly. Lilly walked in gob smacked. "Hey sweetie would you like me to adopt you?" I asked in a hushed voice. Lilly started crying and hugged me nodding her head.

Lilly's POV:
This can't be real Demi freaking Lovato wants to adopt me. I just started crying and ran into her arms.
Two weeks later
Demi's POV:
Today I'm taking Lilly home. I have had her room decorated she helped choose everything by pointing nodding and shaking her head. I really hope I can help save Lilly. I have only known her
2weeks  and I love her already.

Hey guys it's immy hope you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to vote and comment. Byeee love you guys. Xxxxx

Adopted by Demi Lovato (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now