Telling Lilly

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Lilly's pov:
Mama and dada have been acting strange since mar and Selena were looking after me. They said dada had to ask mama something.
I was in my room listing to mamas songs when dada called me downstairs.

Demi's' POV:
Nick called Lilly downstairs. She came running downstairs. She ran into the living room. "What mama??What dada???" She asked quizzically. "Come sit down I want to tell you something." I said wit a smile on my face. She sat down on he black leather sofa. I smiled at nick and started. "Lil you know the way me and dada love each other very much."  "Yeah". "Well we are going to sign some papers and a have a party to celebrate how much we love each other." I tries I explain it the way a four year old would understand. "Yayaya!"  Lilly screamed running out the door. "I think it's okay with her." I laughed to Nick. "I think so to!" Nick replied. "Next challenge our parents." I said. "Don't worry about." Nick says pecking my lips before running of to play with Lilly. I smiled happy with my life.

Hey guys immy here. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. What do you think Nick and Demi's parents will say?  I wanna give a shout out to smemmy2003 because I am loving her book "feeling isolated"
Other books:
Divergent life
The diary of a slave
Adopted by zalfie

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