beach day.

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"mom! Mommy!" Sophia and lilly were yelling. I opened my eyes to see both girls fully dressed.

"What's up girls?" I say

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"What's up girls?" I say. "we wanna go see the sunrise!" " Let me get dressed and we will go. Then go get breakfast." They both nodded. I got out of bed and get dressed.

When we were all dressed we headed down to the beach

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When we were all dressed we headed down to the beach. I laid out a blanket and sat down. Lilly was making sand castles while Sophia was texting furiously on her phone.

Sophia's pov:

Sophia's pov:

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Im confused

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Im confused. Really confused. What have I done. I haven't backstabbed her.


"Eloise!" "Babes! Were you  been!" "Oh my god. Well you know the way I went to the Demi meet up!"I basically shouted at her with excitement  "Yas babes! How did it go!" "Oh my god! It was amazing! she seemed just as exited as I was wich was good sign "Guess what!" "What! Did she smell of vanilla?!" I began to laugh elouise was really good at that making me laugh. "Well yeah, but I broke down when I hugged her and somehow told her my life story." "Sooooo,"her mood begins to change  "well shes downstairs." "Oh. My. god. Is she flipping adopting you?" "Yes!!!" "I'm getting adopted by the Burns!!" We hugged and started to pack. "so cocky." Eloise muttered under her breath. I ignored it.
As we left the orphanage and went with our new family's i saw her give me the death stare. And I knew that this wasn't going to end well...
End of flash back.

"What's up honey?" Mom asked. I wiped the tear that was falling my face. "Nothing." "Don't lie to me." Lilly look up from her sandcastle, and walked over to give me a hug. "okay I'm not okay." I show her the text and tell her about the day the orphanage. Mom pulled me close and we watched the sunrise as a family. Minus dad who's on tour. After watching the sunrise we headed back to the hotel for breakfast.

Lilly pov:
We packed up our beach stuff and went back to the hotel. We brought our bags back to the room and went down to breakfast. I got a crossiant and a bowl of fruit because it has strawberries duh. Momma got some eggs and bacon with some fruit and a coffee. It smelt like Starbucks. Momma let me have a sip. It was gross. Sophia got some eggs and a bowl of mangos and water. we ate breakfast and talked about what we were going to do today. Momma's phone rang so she stood up to answer it.

Demis Pov:
"Hello?" "Hello, this officer pebbles," "hello how can I help you?" "Is this Demi Lovato adoptive mother of lilly Lovato?" "Yes it is. Is everything okay?" "Mrs Lovato im afraid that Lilly's father has escaped prison and is determined to find his daughter. Would you please tell me your current place?" "We are currently eating breakfast in Hawaii"  "which hotel are you staying at so we can send some  Hawaiian  body guards to be with you at all times." "We are staying at four seasons resort Hualalai." "Okay Mrs Lovato stay were you are and we will send protection." "Thank you good bye." i walked back over to the table to explain to the girls. "girls. I need you to listen closely to me." They nodded and I started to explain. "Lilly's dad has escaped prison." Lilly immediately ran and sat on my lap. "They are sending body guards to protect us. I want you two stay with me at all times. Don't post anything on social media. Don't go on social media. Don't text unless it's me. No phone calls. Okay?" "Okay mom." Lilly says. Shes terrified and I feel so bad. Sophia turned her phone of completely. She stood up let's go. I wanna go home." "Baby I know this is hard. But we have to protect lilly and we need to stay together and we need to do as were told and we will go home the first chance we get." Sophia sat back down and ate a piece of mango.

30 minutes later.
Lilly's pov:
I clutched to mommy as four  men came in. They spoke to mommy. They said that they were gonna bring us back home on another plane.

"Lilly! Are you ready?!?" Sophia called as I put my last teddy in my bag. I nodded and walked out of the room with mommy and Sophia. Mommy gave me a pair of sunglasses and put a jacket on and put the hood up. "Mommy hot." "I know baby we have to keep you safe." I nodded and put my arms up. She picked me up and held Sofia's hand. They both were wearing sunglasses and jackets to. The body guards stood one Infront one at the back and one either side. We got into a car with black windows and we put our seatbelts on and drove to the airport. We quickly went through security and on to the plane. There were no other people there. Just us. "Mommy were is everyone?" "It's just us to keep you safe baby girl." " Okay mommy." I curled into my mommy went to sleep.

Sophia's pov:
Why. Why now. We were happy enjoying a nice holiday and then I have lost my best friend and Lilly's  biological dad is after us. So my life is fucked up basically. I'm worried for lilly though. I love her so much shes basically my sister. If it means shes safe I will kill myself. I will do anything to protect Demi and lilly.

Nick's pov:
Tour was going great until I got a phone call from Demi. "Nick you need to be at the air port at 2:00pm to pick us up!" "What why?" "I'll explain then." Then she hung up. So now I'm stood outside the airport waiting for them. They came out with four body guards. Two got in a car in front of mine and the other two in the one behind. I quickly got lilly in the cat while Sophia and Demi put their bags in the boot. We quickly got in the car and Demi explained and the girls fell asleep.
"I'm canceling the tour." "No way." "Yes I'm staying to protect you." "No I can protect us. You go on tour." "Demi your six months pregnant." "What are you trying to say. Just because I'm due a baby in 3 months I can't protect mt children!" "No Demi all im saying is it will harder than you think. I'm cancelling tour." "Whatever" okay well I pissed my wife of. I rung my tour manager and told them I cancelling tour and told them why. I got back to our house to see a car in the drive. It wasn't Demi's car. That was in the garage. "Demi." "who's car Is that?" She asked. "I don't know." I pulled out of the driveway and drove to Marisa's. "You are gonna stay at Marisa's while I ring the police okay." "Okay." Demi says putting on her glasses on and waking the girls. I stay until they are all safe in Marissa's house. I sent a text to Mar telling her to lock the doors and windows. I then pulled out of the driveway and back to the house. The car was still there. I got out of the car and went to look in. No one. I went around to the back of the house smashed windows. Glass littered  the floor. I went in the back door. Smashed plates. A note stuck to the fridge.

bring me my daughter or you will be killed.

I went into the living room. The family pictures smashed as well as the tv. Another note.

Bring me her.

I went to the bathroom. Mirrors smashed. But no note.

Sophia's room. Smashed TV. Smashed computer. A note on her bed.

How dare bring another child into her life.

Lilly's room. Clothes everywhere tv broken. Teddy's destroyed another note.

I will get my child.

Mine and Demi's room was destroyed everything was everywhere. Blades carefully laid out on Demi's pillow with a note.

I hope you relapse bitch.

Adopted by Demi Lovato (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now