fun days

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Demis pov:
I stormed out of my bedroom. What was nick talking about? I walked down the hall to Lilly's and knocked on her door. "Who is it?" She asked. "Me mama" I told her and she slowly opened the door. "Is he there?" She asked really wary. "No babe just me." I told her. "Okay." She said and let me in. I went and sat on her bed and realised the covers were wet. "Why are your covers wet Hun?". " tears. I have nightmares." She told me with fresh tears filling her eyes. "Oh baby what are they about." I asked her. "When nick took me away from you. I was scared that he wouldn't bring me back to you. Or my real dada would find me." At this point as she explained it to me tears were streaming down her face like a waterfall. I didn't say anything I just pulled her on to me lap and cry In to my chest. "Hey do you want to go to Starbucks for lunch?" I asked her once she calmed down. She gave a slight nod a wriggled down from my lap to go get changed. I walked out of her room and went back to my room to change my top. "You idiot" I said to nick. "What!" He asked confused. "She's been having nightmares because of you! She has been doing so well with her sleeping. And now she's having nightmares again!" I shouted at him. "You know what whatever" I said and walked out of the room and grabbed my jacket of the edge of the door. And slipped on my flip flops before going into Lilly's room. "You ready babe?" I asked her and she nodded. She took my hand and I lead her out of the room. We walked downstairs and grabbed my handbag and car keys and walked out the door without saying goodbye to nick. I moved Lilly's car seat from the back of the car and moved it to the shotgun seat. I helped her in and got in the car beside her. "You wanna go pick up Maddie and Dallas as well babe?" She shook her head "I want to just be with you." She told me. I nodded in response. And drove out of the drive way. Lilly reached over and turned on the radio and confident came on and she started singing. She was so God danm cute. "Lilly do you want singing lessons?" I asked her. "Really!?" She asked as though she didn't trust me. "Yes babe!" I told her. She started nodding eagerly. I laughed and texted my manager Phil.
\\p=phill d=demi \\
D= hey Phil meet at Starbucks. 10 minutes. Demi x
P= will do. Everything okay? Phil x
D= everythings great just wanna ask you something. Demi x
P= okay. Phil x

Once I finished texting Phil. I parked in starbucks car park and walked inside with lilly holding my hand. I waked up to Barista and looked at the menu I decided to try something new. "Hiya can I have a cinnamon dolce latte and a small hot chocolate and cream, a chocolate chip muffin and a slice of red velvet cake please." I asked with a smile. "Of course miss Lovato. If you take a seat I will bring it over to you." "Thank you." I said with a smile. I took Lilly's hand and we went to sit at the back of the shop. About 5 minutes later the Barista brought over our order. We sat nibbling our cakes and sipping our drink and the cinnamon dolce latte is my new favourite. Lilly was being rather quite. About 10 minutes later Phil walked over with a latte in his hand. "PHILLY!" Lilly called. I laughed at his excited she was. She jumped up and gave Phil a massive hug. "Hello little one." Phil said with a slight chuckle. "Hey Philip." I said with a smile. "Sup demi." I laughed at his attempts to be cool. "Why have you summoned me today then Dems?" He asked setting lilly down in her chair, and sitting beside me. "I was wondering how to get lilly in to singing lessons." I told him. "Mhmm." He said taking sip of his latte and I took a sip of mine. "That's new." He said. "Yeah I decided to try something else. It's my new favourite" I told him and he nodded obviously thinking. "I know" he suddenly said. "What?" I asked. "You teach her. You know she's comfortable with you and in the end of the day your a professional singer." He said. I sat thinking about it. He had a point. "Okay I'll try it." I said. "Nice well I have a meeting with the label. Ill talk to you later Dems." I nodded and he left after giving lilly a hug. "You ready lil?" I asked her and she nodded. We stood up and I paid the Barista and we walked outside. Typical. The paps were everywhere. "Demi is it true your pregnant with Justin Beibers baby??!!" One pap shouted. I ignored them and continued walked holding Lilly's hand tightly. Other stupid questions were thrown at us but I ignored them and helped lilly into the car. Once lilly was secure in the car I ran around the other side and jumped in the driver's seat. Once I had my blet on. I tried to drive out of starbucks but the paps were all in my way. I needed my horn and some of the moved. "Cover your hears." I told lilly and she did. I held my hand on the horn until they all moved. Lilly took her hands of her ears and collapsed in laughter. I laughed along with her. Once she calmed down she turned the radio on and 'under you' came on. "That's Nick's song. Right?" Lilly asked. "Yes babe." I said and she switched the station to radio one were Selena was having an interview with nick Grimshaw. We laughed and sung along. "Mama can we go to chuckle butties?" Lilly asked. We've not been in a while so I turned on to the motorway and drove towards chuckle butties.
\\skip car ride\\

Lilly's pov:
We pulled into chuckle butties and parked the car. Mama got out of the car and walked around to get me out. I couldn't stop thinking about nick. That's why I asked to come to chuckle butties. To try and have fun.
We walked to the entrance and paid the lady for 1 hour play and I gave her my shoes. Mama went and sat down in one of the chairs and watched me play and texted some one. I ran of through the climbing frames. I climbed up one of the climbing frame to the slide and went down and I kept doing over and over again. Then I went to play in the ball pit. Were my sock fell of and I couldn't find it. "Are you okay?" A girl about my age asked. "I can't find my sock." I told her. "I help you look. My name's Alexa. But you can call me Alex." She told me. "Thanks I'm Amelia Lilly but you can call me lilly." I said. And we started looking. "Found it!" Alex shouted after about five minutes. "Yay thank you I said pulling it on. " it's okay!" Alex replied. "Do you wanna meet my mama?" I asked her. "Sure!" She replied. And we walked through the tunnels and towards mama. "Hey mama. This is Alex. My new friend." I said. "Hi" Alex said shyly. "Don't be shy." I told her and she giggled. "Hey Alex." Mama said. "Do you girls wanna get a drink?" Mama asked we both said at the same time. A woman waved at Alex and walked over to us. "Hey I'm,Alex's mum!" She said and mama walked over. "Hi you must be Alex's mum I'm demi. Lilly's mum!" Demi said in her happy voice. "Nice to meet you I'm Sabrina." Mama gave us both our hot chocolates and Sabrina and mama sat and talked adult stuff. Me and Alex talked about dolls and makeup. It was really fun. When we finished our drinks we went to play for a bit. We down the slide on our tummy's untill we felt ill. Once we were board we went back to our mamas. "Do you girls wanna go get pizza and ice cream?" Mama asked. "YES!" we both shouted at the same time. Sabrina laughed and we walked out of chuckle butties after getting our shoes back. We all jumped into mamas car and drove to the pizza place. Through out the car journey me and Alex listened to music and talked about our favourite things and programs. When we got to the pizza place we sat at the back and we shared a massive pizza that we couldn't even finish it but we had ice cream. I had vanilla and so did Alex. "Mama can Alex come for a sleepover?" I asked. Mama looked at Sabrina who nodded and turned back to us. " I don't see why not as long as you promise to be good." Mama said "yay!" We shouted and we finished our ice cream. We decided that Alex could borrow some of my clothes and pjs and we had spare toiletries at home so Alex could come straight home with us. When we finished eating Sabrina called a taxi to take her home and she said goodbye to Alex. We hopped back into mamas car and drove back home.
\\skip car ride\\
Once we arrived back home. We ran upstairs to hide from Demi. I walked into my room pulling Alex after me and we put on onesies. We ran and sat on my bed pretending to be teddies. Mama walked into the room and we had to stop ourselves from laughing. "Well I wonder were Alex and lilly are?" She said running over to my bed and tickling us. We collapsed in to mamas arms and started laughing. She picked us up and put one of us on each hip and carried us down the stairs plonking us in the sofa. And we giggled a lot!
We sat and watched both camp rocks and ate cookies and drank milk. Then mama carried us upstairs and laid us down on my bed and tucked us up. We fell asleep almost instantly.

Demis Pov:
When I tucked up lilly and Alex I went back downstairs and turned on one of my many recorded crime shows. My phone vibrated and I picked it up. Nick again. When we got back from chuckle butties there was a note of the kitchen table, saying that he was going to live with Joe for a bit to sort himself out. I didn't feel anything. I haven't felt anything since he left me and lilly after beating me up. He had been texting me all day but I've been ignoring him. I wasn't about to stop now. I turned my phone of and watched TV for a bit. At about midnight I went upstairs to go to bed when I heard giggling. Oh those girls. I opened the door to see them giggling in their sleep. Bless them I quietly closed the door and walked into my room. I walked into my bathroom ,and turned on the shower. I stripped down and let the water run over my body. I washed my short black hair and washed my body. Once I got out of the shower I wrapped a big fluffy towl around my body and brushed my teeth. Once I was down I put on a face mask and put my PJs on. Once I was dressed I peeled the facemask of and put of my spot cream. That's one annoying thing about pregnancy. Your constantly breaking out. I crawled in to bed and switched the lamp on. I grabbed my pregnancy book and read a few chapters. I then pulled out my laptop and logged into YouTube. I clicked on my subscription box and seen that 'whatsupmoms' had uploaded a couple videos. I watched their videos then turned of my laptop and curled down and fell asleep.

Hello everyone it's Immy
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It took me practically all day to write!!! Anyway hope you enjoyed. Byeeeeeee

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