help me momma.

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Lilly's pov:
"Momma I'm scared." "I know baby." I curled up into mommas chest as we watched a movie. "wait momma! That's you Sewena!!" "Yes babes. Its me and Selena." "I need to pee momma." "Go on then." I walked out to go to the bathroom.

30 minutes later:
"Momma! Let's go play in the garden!" Mommy looked hesitant. "Euh let's go then." We put our coats and shoes on and went to play.
I was on the swing playing when sofia came out. "mom there's someone at the door." "Okay I'm coming go back inside with Marisa.   I stayed on the swings doing whats mommy has taught me. Push and kick.
"Hello Amelia."
I knew that voice. "daddy." "Yes Ameila it's me now cone along my child." "I have to stay here with mommy." I tried to shout for mommy but he put his filthy hands over my mouth. The familiar  sensation of being hit came over me. Then all I remember is blackness.

Demis pov:
"Oh shit!" "What mom?" Sophia asks. "Lilly's outside!" We both ran outside. Me to the front and Sophia to the back while marrisa checked the rest of the house. I ran to the door to see a man dressed all in black carrying my unconscious daughter in the back of a car. I snapped a picture of the number plate as tears streamed down my face. Sophia and marrisa's came running towards me as the car sped away. I sank to the floor as tears streamed down my face. I could hear marrisa's talking to someone on the phone. I sank to my knees as my breathing quickened. My hands because clammy. Tears streamed freely. At this point I didn't care. I felt someone touch my shoulder. "Demi match my breathing." The faint sound of my older daughters voice entered my head. All I remember after is a fuzzy blackness.

Sophia's pov:
Okay. Lilly's been taken. Marrisa's on the phone with the police and moms just passed out while having a panic attack. "oh crap." Marrisa's says  noticing Demi had passed out. Marissa picked Demi up and Demi on the sofa. I sat my mom and prayed that we would all be okay.
Nick came into the room as mom started to stir. "My phone." Mon says pointing to the door. I ran to the door and grabbed the phone from the floor. I gave it to her and she unlocked it and gave it to Nick. "the number plate." He said. "I'll be right back. Demi have my phone I need yours." Mom was gaining more consciousness by second and was now sat up.
She  looked broken, tear tracks decorated her cheeks. She was tired. Upset. Dying inside. A piece of her heart lost. Her child gone. "I want my baby." She muttered over and over again.

A/n it's short. Ill explain why soon xx
-Grace xxx
Stay strong xx

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