Dinner date

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Lilly's POV:
We finally arrive at maccys. Demi battled with my car seat again and I just giggled. Once Demi finally got me out of m car seat she put me on her hip so I could hide from the paparazzi, and lead me into mac Donald's.
We sat down in a booth at the back and Demi went to get som food. She am back with a happy meal for me and a wrap for herself. "Thanks mama." "No problem baby." She replied kissing my forehead.
When we finished eating demi put me back in the car. "Do you want to go to chuckle butties or straight home babe?" Demi asked me. "What's chuckle butties??" I asked quizzically. "Chuckle butties is a play house sweetie." Demi explained "can we go there please?" I asked "of course we can. And then we drove of down the motor way to chuckle butties.

Hey guys it's immy.  Hope you enjoyed this chapter new chapter will be up soon. But until them don't forget to vote and comment.
To all my readers (if there are any) struggling, I'm always here if you need someone to talk to my Instagram is immy_x_ if you want to contact me there. Anyway stay strong stay quirky and stay gorgeous xxxxxx 

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