Wedding part 1

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1week later
Demi's POV:
Today's the day. I'm getting married. I had just woken up to lily sitting on my stomach and Selena standing in the doorway. I sat up and Lilly curled into my chest. I cuddled her before Selena came over to give her a bath. "Go have a shower dems" she instructed. If I wanted to get anywhere on time if have to listen to her. After my shower I went into Maddie's room to see her sat on her bed holding her stomach and whispering. "It's okay" I said to her. "But I'm showing everyone will know I don't want then to know." She said looking up. "Your bringing life into the world something a lot of girls your age wouldn't be able to do." I said reassuringly. I ears Selena shouting me. "Gotta go love you!" "Love you to dem"
Once Selena finished my hair, it was tightly curled with my bangs pinned back and a little tiara grip in the centre of my head, I went and or my dress on. Once I was ready I walked down stairs, Selena and Maddie were wearing matching dresses and and Lilly was I her plain pink dress with a rose I the centre. They all ha their hair curled and looked stunning. We were it the limo a short while later and we were of to the church.

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